Ecomuseum director

Supplying authority: Helios Study Center

Course Type: Professionalizing course which provides for the issue of Professionalizing Certificate pursuant to Law 4/2013

Course delivery methods: Online

Recognized Professional Profile:

The training course allows the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences associated with the following disciplines associated with the figure of Ecomuseum

  • Ecomuseum Director
  • Expert in Ecomuseum Paths

The profession. 

The Ecomuseumologist is a professional figure, with a high intellectual content and complexity, who possesses specific skills to carry out the following activities:

Activities related to the Ecomuseum Heritage:

  • individuation,
  • Cataloging
  • Knowledge,
  • Interpretation,
  • Documentation,
  • Storage,
  • Protection,
  • Enhancement,

  Activities related to the ecomuseum itineraries:

  • Ideation
  • Design,
  • Participation,
  • Realization,
  • Communication
  • Management,
  • Evaluation
  • Improved

The ecomuseumologist can carry out his activity both in public and private bodies and as self-employment also as an expert/consultant.

The Ecomuseumologist has a deep knowledge of Cultural Heritage, in its various forms from the material one (historical-artistic cultural heritage, landscape and natural heritage) to the immaterial one (tradition, folklore, art, food and wine, typical crafts, history and local traditions) and is able to use their own knowledge which has as its objective the protection, enhancement and renewal of the cultural identity of a community.

In order to take into account the different specializations operating in the ecomuseum sector, and the correct assignment of skills, knowledge and competence, three specialist profiles are taken into consideration for the purpose of exercising the profession of Ecomuseumologist:

  • P1 profile: Expert in Ecomuseum Paths
  • P2 profile: Ecomuseum Coordinator/Director


  1. An Ecomuseumologist is considered to be the professional who has the preparation to carry out the activities associated with at least one of the two profiles indicated.
  2. The profiles are not to be considered distinct in an absolute sense or incompatible with each other, as they differ only in certain operational and sectoral aspects.
  3. An Ecomuseumologist works in one or more of the areas indicated.

Regulations and reference schemes

  • European Qualification Framework (EQF)
  • Recommendation 2009 / C 155/02 (European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training - ECVET)
  • Law 4/2013 relating to non-regulated professions

This figure is also recognized by the Italian Association of Tourism Professionals and Cultural Operators (AIPTOC) authorized by Ministry of Economic Development (MISE) to release Certificate of quality and professional qualification of the Services pursuant to Articles 4, 7 and 8 of Law 4/2013.

Structuring of the training path and EQF level 

800 hours of total effort (total workload necessary to obtain learning outcomes) that can be distributed on average over a semester and structured in:

    • 600 hours training in E-learning mode
    • 120 hours Project Work or Internship
    • 80 hours of commitment to devote to individual study, time for preparing for exams and writing the final thesis.

ECVET Training Credits (CFE): 32 (30 for the UD, 2 for the Project Work / Internship)

EQF level: 7

For further information and to purchase the course, please refer to the website of the Centro Studi Helios Training Body:

TAS35: Ecomuseum: Ecomuseum coordinator (Ecomuseum director)/Expert in ecomuseum itineraries (800 hours)

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