Sicily on the Net: Projects in evidence
curated by Ignazio Caloggero

Main Thematic Areas 

A selection of thematic archives 

Sicily on the NetSicily online

Sicily on the Net platform for the Cataloging, Promotion and Enhancement of the Sicilian Cultural Heritage
Heritae Multimedia Archive, Unesco Sites, Nature, Archeology, Myths and Legends, Food and Wine, Network Cities, Sicily Media Gallery, Naturalistic Sicily, Archaeological Sicily, Sicily Food and Wine, Myths and Legends of Sicily, Multimedia Archive of the Cultural Heritage of Sicily, Sicily tourism cultural Unesco sites Sicily. Sicilian Unesco sites. The main objective of the Project is to contribute to the Cataloging, Enhancement and Promotion of the Sicilian Cultural Heritage in all its forms from the tangible one (historical-artistic cultural heritage, landscape and natural heritage) to the intangible one (tradition, folklore, art, food and wine , typical craftsmanship)

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