Religious Tourism Manager

Who is it

The Religious Tourism Operator is a professional figure, with a high intellectual content, who possesses specific skills to carry out activities of: Ideation, Design, Communication, Implementation, Improvement, Promotion, Enhancement, Innovation

relating to tourist offers in the religious field.

The knowledge

The Religious Tourism Operator has adequate knowledge of the national and regional cultural and religious heritage, therefore he will be able to identify the cultural-religious potential of a territory and contribute to the enhancement and tourist development of the same.

Regulations and reference schemes

This figure is also recognized by the Italian Association of Tourism Professionals and Cultural Operators (AIPTOC) authorized by Ministry of Economic Development (MISE) to release Certificate of quality and professional qualification of the Services pursuant to Articles 4, 7 and 8 of Law 4/2013.

Certifications issued

  • Religious Tourism Operator

For the detailed program, costs and purchase methods, please refer to the website of the Training Center Centro Studi Helios

TAS39 Religious Tourism Manager (600 hours)

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