baroque of the Val di Noto

Guide to the Baroque of Val di Noto

Interactive and multimedia version of the guide "Unesco Heritage of Sicily: The late Baroque cities of the Val di Noto". The guide is a specific guide on the baroque of the municipalities included in the Unesco site: “The late Baroque cities of the Val di Noto: Ragusa, Modica, Scicli, Noto, Palazzolo Acreide, Catania, Militello in Val di Catania, Caltagirone.

The guide to the Baroque of Val di Noto is part of the project "GUIDE TO THE UNESCO HERITAGE OF SICILY", a project to promote the area through the creation of guides to the UNESCO sites of Sicily. For each Unesco site there is a free guide available online.

Here's what you'll find as you explore the various areas of the guide:

1) Descriptive cards of over 150 monuments, substantially all the monuments included in the Unesco Management Plan plus other Baroque monuments of the eight cities included in the Unesco site "The late Baroque cities of the Val di Noto: Ragusa, Modica, Scicli, Noto, Palazzolo Acreide , Catania, Caltagirone, Militello in Val di Catania.

2) Detailed cards on the Baroque and Unesco recognition;

The guide will be continuously updated and enriched with further content

The guide is web 3.0:

GeWeb:  Information on geocoded google maps;

WikiWeb: the multimedia gallery can be integrated with user images;

DataBaseWeb: information in the form of a database with a semantic approach (search by fields and keywords);

Social Web: Oriented to Social Networks, the contents can be shared on the various Social Networks.

Multilingual: through “Google Translator the guide is available in about 80 different languages.

Multi-device: (PC, Tablet, Smartphone);

Below is the detailed Plan of the Guide

Piano dell'Opera: Guide to the Baroque of Val di Noto

1. The Baroque

1.1 Baroque: History and characters

1.2 Factsheet: the recognition of the Unesco site "The late Baroque cities of the Val di Noto"

1.3 The Ragusa Baroque

 2 Ragusa

First group "Quartiere degli Archi" : (Church of Purgatory, Palazzo Cosentini, Church of Idria, Palazzo della Cancelleria, Church of S. Filippo Neri, Palazzo Sortino Trono)

For group “District of San Giorgio and Corso XXV Aprile" : (Palazzo La Rocca, Cathedral of S. Giorgio, Church of S. Giuseppe, Church of S. Antonino, Palazzo Di Quattro

Third "Piazza Chiaramonte" group: (Palazzo Battaglia, Church of the Annunziata, Church of S. Francesco all'immacolata

Bedroom "Via Torrenuova" group : (Church of S. Maria del Gesù, Church of S. Maria dello Spasimo, Palazzo Floridia, Church of S. Maria dei Miracoli)

Upper Ragusa:  (Church of S. Maria delle Scale, Palazzo Bertini, Palazzo Zacco, Palazzo Lupis, Cathedral of S. Giovanni Battista, Church of SS. Ecce Homo, Bishop's Palace, Casino degli Schininà)

3.  Modica

First group "Modica Alta" Church of S. Giovanni Evangelisti

 Second group "Area of ​​the Cathedral of San Giorgio": Cathedral of S. Giorgio, Palazzo Polara, Palazzo Napolino Tommasi Rosso)

 Third group "Corso Umberto I °": Palazzo Rubino-Trombadore, Palazzo degli Studi, Church of S. Maria del Soccorso, Palazzo Ascenzo, Palazzo Cannizzaro, Palazzo Tommasi-Rosso-Tedeschi, Palazzo Rubino-Trombadore, Palazzo degli Studi, Church of S. Maria del Soccorso, Palazzo Ascenzo, Cannizzaro Palace, Tommasi-Rosso-Tedeschi Palace, St. Peter's Church, Grimaldi Palace, Galfo Palace,

 Fourth group "Palazzo Mercedari" : Palazzo dei Mercedari

4. Scicli

First group: "Via Mormino Penna": Church of S. Giovanni Evangelista, Palazzo Spadaro, Church of S. Michele Arcangelo, Palazzo Veneziano Sgarlata, Church of S. Teresa.

 Second group: "Palazzo Beneventano and Piazza Busacca": Church and Convent of the Carmine, Palazzo Beneventano

 Third group: Piazza Italia and Via San Bartolomeo:  Mother Church (S. Guglielmo), Palazzo Fava, Church of S. Bartolomeo.

5. Known

First group: Corso V. Emanuele, Via Ducezio and Via Cavour: (Church and Convent of S. Francesco, Church of S. Chiara (S. Maria Assunta), Palazzo Trigona, Palazzo Astuto, Church and Convent of the Holy Savior, Cathedral of S. Nicolò, Palazzo Landolina, Palazzo Modica Nicolaci di San Giovanni , Palazzo Ducezio, Palazzo Rau della Ferla, Church of S. Maria dell'Arco, Church of S. Carlo, Former Jesuit College, Palazzo Nicolacci, Church of Montevergini (dedicated to S. Girolamo), Palazzo Battaglia, Casa dei Padri Crociferi , Church and Convent of S. Domenico, Villa and Fountain of Hercules, Church of S. Maria del Carmelo (Chiesa del Carmine), Church of S. Maria della Rotonda)

 Second group: Via Trigona and Noto Alta: (Palazzo Impellizzeri, Palazzo Giavanti, Church of S. Maria del Gesù, Church of the Holy Crucifix, Former Monastery of S. Tommaso)

6. Palazzolo Acreide

 Primo group: Corso Vittorio Emanuele: Church of S. Sebastiano, Palazzo Iudica, Palazzo Messina-Ruiz, Palazzo Pizzo, Palazzo Puglisi Mortellaro, Church of the Assumption or of the Immaculate Conception.

 Second group: Garibaldi Street : Palazzo Pricone,, Palazzo Caruso

 Third group: San Paolo district:  Church of San Paolo, Church of the Annunziata

7. Catania

First group: Civita district

Palazzo Guttadauro di Reburdone, Palazzo Serravalle, Casa Vaccarini, Collegio Cutelli, Palazzo Hernandez, Palazzo Valle, Palazzo Mazza, Church of S. Placido, Palazzo Biscari

Second group: Piazza Duomo and surrounding areas

Badia di S. Agata, Cathedral of S. Agata, Town Hall (Palazzo degli Elefanti), Elephant Fountain, Palazzo del Seminario dei Chierici, Palazzo Sammartino Pardo, Church of San Martino, Palazzo Bruca

Third group: Via Crociferi

Church of San Francesco d'Assisi e dell? Immacolata, Palazzo Gravina Cruyllias (Vincenzo Bellina House Museum), Church of S. Benedetto, Palazzo Asmundo di Francicanava, Church of S. Francesco Borgia, Jesuit College, Church of S. Giuliano, Church and Convent of the Crociferi Fathers.

Fourth group: Piazza Stesicoro and surrounding areas

Church of the Purity or of the Visitation, Church of S. Agata La Vetere, Church of S. Agata al Carcere, Church of S. Agata alla Fornace (S. Biagio), Church of Santa Caterina al Rinazzo

Fifth group: Monastery of San Nicolò La Rena and surrounding areas

Church of S. Nicolò la Rena, Benedictine Monastery of S. Nicolò la Rena, Palazzo Misterbianco, Palazzo Tremestieri, Church of the SS. Trinity, Palazzo Fassari Pace, Porta Ferdinandea.

Sixth group: Via Etnea

University Building, Sangiuliano Palace, Collegiate Church (S. Maria dell'Elemosina, Regia Cappella), Church of S. Michele ai Minoriti, Church of the Ogninella

8. Caltagirone

First group: Via Roma and via Santo Stefano

Teatrino, Palazzo Ventimiglia, Tondo Vecchio, Church and Convent of San Francesco D'Assisi, Ponte di San Francesco, Palazzo Sant'Elia, Former Bourbon Prison (Civic Museum), Church of S. Agata, Church and Monastery of Santo Stefano

Second group: Piazza Umberto and Piazza Municipio

Ex Monte delle Prestanze, Ex Capitanale Court, Church of Gesù and Ex Jesuit College, Church of Santa Chiara and Santa Rita and Monastery of the Clarisse, Palazzo Reburdone, Staircase of Santa Maria del Monte, Church of S. Giuseppe, Palazzo Gravina,

Third group: Largo San Giacomo Apostolo

Church of S. Giacomo

Fourth group: Caltagirone high

Church of S. Maria del Monte, Church of SS. Salvatore, Church of San Domenico (or Del Rosario) and Convent of the Dominicans

9. Militello in Val Catania

Main Baroque monuments:

Church and former Benedictine Monastery (Town Hall), Palazzo Baldanza - Denaro, Church of S. Nicolò S. Salvatore, Palazzo Niceforo, Palazzo Baldanza, Church of S. Maria della Stella, Palazzo Iatrini, Church of Calvario.




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Guide to the Baroque of Val di Noto

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