Pietro Pallio (Piano Telloso)
Traces of attendance from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age
- http://www.sitr.regione.sicilia.it/geoportale/it/
- Guidelines of the regional landscape plan
Bibliography and in-depth documents:
100) FIRST SICILY - AT THE ORIGINS OF SICILIAN SOCIETY - volume first edited by Sebastiano Tusa Palermo 1997.
Ignazio Caloggero: Sicily between History, Myths and Legends. Vol. 1: From Prehistory to the Phoenicians. First edition 2018 - Revised and updated edition of 2022
History of Sicily - 1.3.1: Neolithic and the birth of agriculture in Sicily
History of Sicily - 1.3.2: Religiosity and Burials in the Neolithic Period
History of Sicily - 1.3.3: Art in the Neolithic
History of Sicily - 1.3.4: Neolithic Sites List
Card insertion: Ignatius Caloggero
Photo: web
Information contributions: Ignazio Caloggero, Web
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