Ruins of the Church of the Staglio
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Ruins of the Church of the Staglio

Editorial note: Of the remains nothing remains, except for some ruins, we have inserted the card, both because the place is included among the cultural assets listed in the regional document "Guidelines of the regional landscape territorial plan", and because we found an interesting article from the website Castevetranonews (from which also comes the photo attached to this sheet) which we report:

“Once upon a time, now no more, there was this small church, which stood in the former Favara fiefdom in the district called Staglio, on the Castelvetrano - Partanna road on the right before the bend. It was built in 1610 at the expense of the people who venerated a beautiful terracotta image of the Madonna that seems to have done many miracles to people.

This effigy was venerated, the popular belief of which has it that it began to perform miracles on July 2, 1609, which is why the Church was erected in the following year. From that date until before the 1968 earthquake, people went to that church. On the morning of July 2, holy masses were celebrated and there was a continuous coming and going of the faithful, who even came barefoot and brought flowers, candles and candles. In the evening the priest blessed the faithful and read the rosary.

In the Church, says Gaspare Di Como, who in the 50s, while still a child, went on pilgrimage with his aunt: “in a low niche there was a powder. The faithful gathered a pinch of it, put it in a handkerchief and took it home and kept it in the bedside table ". Tradition says that on that day the peasants did not thresh the wheat with the mules, which walked on the ground trampling the ears with their eyes blindfolded out of respect for the Madonna.

One day, according to tradition, a farmer, not believing in the festival and therefore in miracles, wanted to work the ears of wheat piled on the sheaf, which were in front of his house, near which there was a chicken coop.

Another farmer passed by and said to him: “Why do you work? Don't you know that today is the feast of the Madonna "and the reference:" But that Madonna and Madonna, I work when I want and I like "and he began to urge the mule calling her by the name of the Madonna:" Ahh chase Mary ".

At this point, tradition has it that the ground opened by swallowing the blasphemer man, the mule and the rooster. It is said that passing by that place and at the time of the event, the rooster crow under the ground in the former Favara fiefdom. The church was confiscated by the state and was closed. Then Mr. Giuseppe Clemente bought it, who by restoring it reopened it for worship. Today there is no longer only the small perimeter walls. 

Source of text and photo:

Card insertion: Ignazio Caloggero

Photo: WEB

Information contributions: Web, Region of Sicily

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