Evergreen oak woods of Geraci Siculo and Castelbuono
Site type: SAC - Special Conservation Area
Code: ITA020020 - Hectares: 3380
The SIC area is partially included within the Madonie Regional Park; from an administrative point of view, the territory also affects the municipalities of S. Mauro Castelverde and Petralia Sottana. It includes the large forest extensions that extend downstream of Geraci Siculo up to the Vicaretto stream, in the upstream part of Castelbuono, up to the Pizzo di Corco relief (1357 m). From a geological point of view, it is mainly sandstones and quartzarenites alternating with clays, silty and sandy clayites, marls and calcarenites. On the basis of the classification of RIVAS-MARTINEZ (1994), the bioclimatic characters of the same area can refer overall to the mesomediterranean thermotype (average temperature: 16-13 ° C), with umbrotype varying between the subhumid (average rainfall: 600-1000 mm) and humid (average rainfall:> 1000 mm), as you pass from the hilly area to the submontane belt. sigmetum); in the valley floor areas or in areas characterized by deeper and more evolved soils, other series dominated by deciduous oaks belonging to the Roverella cycle are also represented, in part replaced by crop types and other secondary aspects, as a result of a territorial use than in the past it has been oriented towards agro-forestry-pastoral activity.
It is an area characterized by the presence of forest aspects of significant naturalistic-environmental and landscape interest, in which various rare plant entities or of significant phytogeographic interest are represented, listed in section 3.3D. It also denotes considerable wildlife interest due to the presence of a rich zoocoenosis including rare and / or threatened species. Many species of insects endemic to the Madonie live exclusively on this site
Source: Ministry of the Environment Natura 2000 form
It falls within the Madonie Park
Ministerial data: Ministerial Map Natura 2000 form
Card insertion: Ignazio Caloggero
Photo: web
Information contributions: Ignazio Caloggero, Region of Sicily
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