Luscarru e li diavuli
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Luscarru e li diavuli

Project: Atlas of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Sicily

Card initialized for initial cataloging purposes. 

Under analysis for a first draft that will take place soon


NEW FAIRY TALES AND SICILIAN FOLK TALES VOL. II By Giuseppe Pitre. In the Library of Sicilian Popular Traditions vol V.

LXIV – Lu Scarparu and Li Diavuli

There was a shoeru poghiru and family, and nu putia
live and support the family, and you'll be in a country
pri vuscàrisi lu pani; as this country arrives, it gathers together, and you can't find a single person227; he calls him a burgisi, and you tell us: - «Sù mastru, mi vuliti mittiri
a pair of pietti?”228 Trasi, put the pietti there and go away all nights; lu Scarparu tell us: - «You want me to addugàri
'na casa ccà pri stàricci.» I said to us, Lu Burgisi: - «There is
'a beautiful house, it's abandoned, but the devils will live there.» He replied to the shoemaker: - «'Nca ia nu mi scantu di
these devils." Lu Burgisi said to us: - «Stasira rest
Here, tomorrow we'll get to the house again.» The sira lu mastru si
tip the beddu Pulitu soup; in the morning we said the usual seventeen and jèru pri addugari the house pri lu mastru. There
owner of the house I said to us: - «Pigliativila arrigalata, e
open your eyes, I'll sunnu li diavuli.» The master was
jimmirùtu, whoever leaves jimmu as much as a cangieddu229; there
sira yes nni ij' nni dda home, yes 'mbristà' a tavulinièddu
pri fari lu bancaeddu230; lu jornu avia pricuratu 'na cof-

bending down with pri cunzaturi231 shoes, the sira closed the door
and I took up cunzari scarpi, fiscari232 and cantari; arrived
the menzannotti, hear the voice of the person in the house and
you say: — «Oh caju!» The mastru replied: - «And you fall,
ca cu mia siemmu du'233.» You fall a pupu and it settles to a
pedi di lu bancareddu; ddoppu a lot, listen to the cave
vuci: — «Oh ca caju!» — «And fall, ca siemmu tri.» Fall
lu pupu, and settles down the antru pedi of lu bancaeddu.
Listen 'n'antra vuci: — «Oh caju!» — «And you fall, approx
siemmu cincu.» Listen 'n'antra vuci: — «Oh ca ju!» —
«Cadi, ca siemmu cincu. » When all four fell,
we mintìnu to dance, I leave the house and I mintìnu234 to sing
and to say: - «Luni, Marti, Mièrcuri, Juòvidi, Vènniri, and
Sabatu!» Iddu sintiennu chistu, cuntintuni si minti miizzu dancing, and right midèmma comu ad iddi. Chiddi,
'Enchanted, when you win the masters don't get scared, they take away the jimmu and the appiènninu to the wall, and
come on who was jornu spirièru. In the morning we would seem a hundred years old
those nearby who were updating first saw him being taught
live; when the teacher opened the door in the morning
find the vanedda china of people, and iddu lu vittinu bellu
tisu without jimmu cci spijàvanu: — «Comu sites, come on-

stru?” — «Sugnu tantu finu.» — «And lu jimmu chi nni
facistivu?” Cci replied: - «Lu jimmu will pass me tonight;» and everyone sat down again.
There was an old woman who had the greatest of years
chiddu of lu mastru, and I said to us: - «I want you to know
stay tonight, ca mi levanu stu jimmu?” Here you say iddu:
— «Gnursi.» The sira trasi the old cu lu mastru e iddu
you say to us: - «Sidìti, and when you bring four children, you'll come
to dance like the gods, and to say the words like the gods.» TO
midnight, a lu solitu: — «Ah ca caju!» and they all fell
four, one near the other; and immediately everyone started dancing and talking about Luni, Marti, Mièrcuri, Juòvidi, Vènniri
and Sabatu! and everyone was dancing; but the old lu cuntu lu
facia lientu lientu235, and the puppets who win can never fly
armu di cantari liestu comu ad iddi, pigliaru lu jimmu di
lu mastru Scarparu and lu Misiru in front of the old woman.
Accussì idda nn'appi du', unu in front and unu behind.
Whenever you see the neighbors you won't see the old girl with jimmi,
one in front and one behind, everyone started to argue; poa
I won the third night and looked out at the four puppets and carried them
a tabùtu and two cira cannili; take lu mastru, lu
mìntinu nni lu tabùtu, cci mìntinu the cannila 'n hands, and
cci dicenu: — «Now fincitu muortu236.» Yes lu carricanu e
yes they carried him, and dragged in a hole, and there was a beautiful one
grutta: when the grutta arrives, the puppets will pretend

ca sirriavanu, and crush the tabùtu 'n earth and him
lassanu, and si nni vannu; iddu nesci of lu tabùtu; Guagliardu guagliardu, he comes out, and starts curriri; he touches his head and I see that he doesn't have a beer. — «Ah, the beer
lost!" He goes around the beer first; she restored it to us
a cannila pizzuddu; he adds it and carries the crane, and
found the beer, and I saw quantities of gold and silver, and all
fortunes of ammunition; I swallowed the beer, the bags, the little paint237, and said: - «Ah! so who knows how expensive the beer was,
ca si lvò lu 'ncantisimu!….» And she goes home, goes
lu patroni of those cases, there was a beautiful palace abandoned before lu 'ncantu, and you tell us: - «Do you want me to win these cases?» He puts himself at a price, and pays us two hundred and one unzi, ca jianu two thousand unzi: he mulls them all at the same time; yes nni
go and take the dinars of lu 'ncantu, and rich and prosperous campau, and noi 'un aviemmu nenti.


226 See novella XVI for the explanation of some words.
227 Sòlitu per soldu, soldo. Remember the term solidus, as an ancient coin.
228 Sir, do you want to put a pair of half soles on my shoes?
229 Cangieddu, in various towns in the province of Trapani also cancedda,
a kind of large basket for carrying objects, basket

230 Yes 'mbristà' etc. he borrowed a small table to use
desk (cobbler's).
231 Pi cunzaturi, (to be used) for hairstyles, for patching, stitching
232 Fiscari, blow the whistle; in Palermo friscari.
233 And realize that with me we are two (let's make two).
234 They mintinu etc., they started dancing in the middle of the house, and they put…

235 And they all danced, and the old woman counted (the repetition of the song of
pupi) did it slowly (badly, reluctantly).
236 Play dead.

237 He fills his cap, his pockets, his chest.
238 Told by maestro Vincenzo Midulla.


Card insertion: Ignazio Caloggero


Information contributions: Ignatius Caloggero

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