Lu cuntu di la canzuna
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Lu cuntu di la canzuna

Project: Atlas of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Sicily

Card initialized for initial cataloging purposes. 

Under analysis for a first draft that will take place soon


SICILIAN FAIRY TALES AND FOLK TALES VOL. III By Giuseppe Pitrè. In Library of Sicilian popular traditions vol VI.

CXCIX – Lu cuntu di la canzuna

One trip there was a king's son, and there was a very nice little girl; and stu Riuzzu the pritinnia.
This little girl's bedtime was imagined to be unspotted, who
lu Riuzzu went to the girl, and I started saying: – «Nothing, it's a little
Let's go and look for others to get rid of them, but for my grandchildren
the smack." In the meantime, however, this King's figghiu cugghiricci cugghiricci the primura to this little girl. The old
I'll always keep it closed for washing and for these grandchildren
how much she was very honest, no one would see her. Since the guy then had the first time, he started cumming
Want jiricci inside your mother and son's friends
King, who 'a wanted who was pressed, who was puviredda.
Cci fici stigghi di casa850 a dda puviredda a tinuri lu Re
who she was: they always say who wanted her the most. Know it
patri, lu Re; you say: – «Zitu l'hê fari cu 'n'àutra, e cci l'haju
a pricurari ladia ugly but rich.» Know how cool you are;
you say: – «Absolutely 'un ni la vogghiu; a chidda vogghiu.» In the meantime, I'll ask you to make little memories about the little girl851: - "She's good, maybe she's a hot girl." But
as they say, cu la vucca, cu lu choirs didn't come back. After all, those who are already ready to spend their time at the ladia, then again
'ntirnau; and he never fell ill. Cadennu who makes you sick,

idda who does it? – «Com'hê fari, you say, jeu pri putìricci parlari?» You say: – «You have to stay without nor maritu idda; and iddu
you have to lose your life…. Com'hê cumminari? Now I
vestu omu, cu 'na citarra 'n coddu, cci passu sutta lu palazzu and then think about jeu.»
The sira sees you, and there you go to sing at the window of the building:
Press the bed and press it more,
'Un take care of stuff and dinars,
The stuff goes as usual
And from the bedda you can't be deprived;
Look out, beddu, and hear me sing
Look out and see how you die.»
Affacciannu cci shoot the puviredda and piscau to the King, and
lu Re bites the blow. The people are starting to do it: –
«And what was it?» – «And what was it?» – «He was a man!» – «He was a
omu!» it's a si potti sapiri. And in the meantime he had been loved
amurusa puvuredda who iddu avía pritinnutu.

850 The stigghi of the house, the most necessary piece of furniture in the house.
851 Meanwhile he was stirring up arguments against the girl.

852 Told by Pietra Ferraro.

Card insertion: Ignazio Caloggero


Information contributions: Ignatius Caloggero

Note: The populating of the files of the Heritage database proceeds in incremental phases: cataloging, georeferencing, insertion of information and images. The cultural property in question has been cataloged, georeferenced and the first information entered. In order to enrich the information content, further contributions are welcome, if you wish you can contribute through our area "Your Contributions"

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