The Curious Wife
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The Curious Wife

Project: Atlas of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Sicily

Card initialized for initial cataloging purposes. 

Under analysis for a first draft that will take place soon


SICILIAN FAIRY TALES AND FOLK TALES VOL. IV By Giuseppe Pitrè. In the Library of Sicilian Popular Traditions vol VII.

CCLXXXII – . The curious muglieri

It is told about the vote there was a giuvini maritatu and nun
putennu campari nni lu sò paisi, yes nni straníu nni n'âtru
paisi, and adduà'501 in a Parrinu. Avennu a time who
cci sta, un jornu fra di l'âtri, di fora502 travau 'na funcia503, e la purtà' a lu sò patruni, e cci dumannà' a lu sò
patruni unni l'agghià'504; I said to us: – «A lu locu505.» –
«Dumani ha' jiri arreri a lu locu, and ha' a ijri to dig
once was the funcia, and to dig up the roots of the funcia and
zoccu find him bring ccà.» Lu 'nnumani goes to lu locu, and goes to
dig nni chiddu puntu and find 'du' vipari, kill him and there
purity a la patruni; she calls the maid and makes us look at her. Gghiustu gghiustu cci avìanu purtatu 'na little of accidents, put them there 'nsèmmula, and I said to the servant: -
«Duna a handful to lu garzuni, take two anciddi, there cchiù
minutes, and we will frji them.» Scanciu506 of the anciddi cci frij' li vipari, pirchì cci avìanu parutu anciddi; he brings them to the table, and the garzuni will eat them; how he finished eating
the cat and the dogs were heard talking, who were in his house
patruni, and the dogs said: – «You have to give me loaves of bread.»

The cat said: – «You have to give me a look507;» but he
dogs: – «You have to give me that much, ca vaju508 cu la
patruni;» the cat tells us: – «No, the mysterious one is who knows; As much as you don't have to give to me, you don't have to give to mine, but it doesn't make you happy.» And this boy wanted to talk about these weapons,
ca avía seize the virtue mangiannusi li du' vipari; yes no
let's go to the street these garzuni more purtari the òriu to the mules,
e li muli sintìanu viniri la garzuni; lu capu-rètina510 said:
– «You don't have to give me much more than that, ca iddu
I'm going to cavaddu;» n'âtra mula cci dicía: – «Quantu nn'havi a dari a tia, nn'havi a dari a mia, pirchì a mia mi càrrica cchiù assà';» e stu garzuni sintía tuttu lu discursu, piglia l'òriu e cci lu dividi eguali. – «Vidi ca fici gghiustu
ca nni lu divided equally?” (say lu mulu) and si nni acchiana
up lu garzuni, and after him the cat; the cat spoke to us and warned her, you say to us: – «I saw that you were talking to
we, I saw that the patrons were there in the vicinity of the vipari, and I couldn't find them, they left the servant, and I told us that I told them to eat them
you, and you have to spy on what you know that you have the virtue,
e cci lu dici ch'havi un libru di 'ncantamentu, tu cci ha' a
diri ca nun ha' 'ntisu nenti, masinnò si tu cci lu dici, tu
you die, and those patrons take virtue, and you have to be threatened,
and you don't want to say anything, I'll give you a fortune.» He takes the boys, and takes them to his parents; as he eats, he will cumencia

to spijari; and the kids always say no; yes nichía511 mon
patruni, and nni lu manna; come nni lu mannà', iddu piglià'
the way pi jirisinni nni lu sò paisi; plus the strata cci 'mmatti
'na mannra512, and find them picurara nichiati, pricchì more nights
nights the sheep were missing; take these boys and I said to us: - "Now go, how much you give me will never fail you"
cchiù?” The curator said to us: – «When you don't miss anything, I'll tell you about a jumenta with a mulacciuna513.» There
sira will darken from now on, after whoever has left you will go and go outside
lu straw; they arrived at midnight to let the wolves talk,
who said to the dogs: – «O cumpari Vitu514!» Dogs there
replies: – «O cumpari Cola.» – «Putemu vinìri pi l'armali?» I told the dogs to us: - «Don't let us go, there's something
lu patruni curcatu outside.» Iddu this life is the most important day; and no sheep were missing; they arrived at the new day
Let's kill all the big dogs. – «Now you are happy,
the little boy said to the curatuli, don't arm them, there's no shortage of them.» Let me tell you the jumenta cu la mulacciuna and yes
nni iju; the sira shouted at the wolves and stopped the dogs: – «O cumpari Vitu, putemmu vinìri?» The little dogs responded to us: - «Don't let us get killed, let your friends kill him, and if you get there, be careful and don't see us again.»
As a boy, when I arrived at my house, I saw Chidda
jumenta cu la mulacciuna, let's see whose jumenta it was;

lu husband tell us: – «Nòscia è516.» She was getting closer, there she was
'na fera tra un paisi vicinu; cci parsi di gghiustu a lu picciottu di jiri a la festa cu la muglieri; he went to cavaddu
a la jumenta e partinu: pi strata la mulacciuna si ristà' e
she shouted to the mother to take her away, the mother replied: -
«Camina, you read the law and I'll take you to cavaddu517.» He takes the husband as they were talking about it and started to reconsider: the
muglieri, crûsiera518, cci spijà': – «Pirchì arriditi?» Lu
husband I said to us: – «Pri nenti.» The muglieri tells us: –
«Nanò; tell me, but let's go to the village; Don't come here." I said to the husband: - «Arrivannu a lu Santu519 ti lu
dicu,” and lu Santu jera before lu paisi. Arriving at lu Santu, the muglieri begins to say: – «Are you angry? Me
tell me." The husband said to us: – «When we arrived
jintra520 I'll tell you.» You take the muglieri and you don't want to go around the fair without jiri; and they don't wander around; Jintra arrived
cumencia la muglieri: – «Now you want to tell me?» Pick it up
husband and tell us: – «Go call me lu Cunfissuri, I'll tell you later.» Take your muglieri, put on your cape all out of breath and go and call lu Cunfissuri, tell us who you're coming to Marammanu521 because you have to cunfìssari mè maritu.»
Nustramentri lu maritu was sulu piglia a pugnu di coccia

, and I called them ca avía 'na pocu di gaddini and a gaddu; a la jittata li còccia li gaddini s'affuddavanu pi manciari, e lu
gaddu ​​there's a puzzuluni made them run away to dda vía, ca nun
I wanted anyone to tip me: I'll answer you and tell him
gaddu: – «Pirchì don't tip, and don't you tip them?» He came back to the gaddu, you tell us: – «No, they don't have a tip, the
sugnu lu gaddu ​​and the hê cantari, no comu tia523 cap pi cunfidari lu made to tò muglieri now he has to muriri.» Take iddu and
you shrank and say to lu gaddu: – «Cchiù judgment of my
havi!” Who does? Take 'na cigna, la vagna, e la mitti adordini; comu si arricogli, la muglieri cci dici: – «Lu Cunfssuri stà vinennu, ora mi aviti a diri.» Take the swan lu
husband, and cumencia to give swans, and so many things said approx
the lassa cchi more dead than alive; come lu parrinu, tell us yes
he took advantage of cunfissari; take lu garzuni cci you say: – «Cu' cci
Did he tell you?" – «Voscia muglieri.» – «Pi idda, cci
I said, no more mine.» She takes lu parrinu e 'ncugna nni la muglieri, e idda nun cci dava cuntu, e lu parrinu s'adduna ca
the thing wasn't right, vote tunnu without leaders and yes
nothing goes. After a while the muglieri returned, and the husband cci
you say: – «See who was telling you, the muglieri? Nichiati." Hello
Idda replied: – «Nenti cchiù vogliu sapiri.» And so the curiosity about the muglieri ended.


501 He adduà', he put himself to the monthly or yearly service.
502 Outside, in the countryside.
503 'Na funcia, a mushroom.
504 Where he found it. Agghiari, of speech, to find Asciari.
505 A lu locu, to the farm; and it is said of a possession of land with trees.
506 Scanciu, in exchange, instead.

507 Vidè, shortening of videmma, too.
508 Ca vaju, che siego, che vo.
509 Lu tò mysteryu, your job, your functions.
510 Capu-rètina, is the mule that is before the seven mules that complete one
rein of mules.

511 He becomes withdrawn, gets in a bad mood, sulks.
512 Cci 'mmatti 'na mannra, a herd happens to him.
513 Mulacciuna, young mule, mulotta.
514 Remember that St. Vitus is the protector of dogs.
515 Pruvuli, gunpowder.

516 Nòscia, ours.
517 And I'm riding two people.
518 Crûsiera, curious.
519 Arrivannu a lu Santu, that is arriving at the church where the Saint is venerated
in whose honor the market is held.
520 Jintra, at home.
521 A marammanu, and ammanammanu, a manu a manu, immediately.
522 Husk, residue of wheat after sieving.

523 Tia, you.
524 He became aware and reflected.
525 Told by Rosario Di Liberto, quarryman in the sulfur fields, and collected by
Mr. Gaetano Di Giovanni.

Card insertion: Ignazio Caloggero


Information contributions: Ignatius Caloggero

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