The Testament of the Prince
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The Testament of the Prince

Project: Atlas of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Sicily

Card initialized for initial cataloging purposes. 

Under analysis for a first draft that will take place soon



SICILIAN FAIRY TALES AND FOLK TALES VOL. III By Giuseppe Pitrè. In Library of Sicilian popular traditions vol VI.

CXLII – Lu Tistamentu di lu Principi

You know, around the time there was a rich Prince, and he had a
son; he was friends with a friend of the Jesuvites: these Princes fell ill and cci jianu bidirlu the Jesuvites; vittiru
When there was a heap of deaths, I said to us: – «Princes, act
Once you're ready, and if you want to do good things to your weapon, relax
all your patrimoniu to the Church.» Reply on Monday
Principles: – «Yes signura.» Call lu Nutaru and two tistimuoni; subbitu cci fari lu tistamientu. Lu Principi
it was aggravated and no rrigía cchiù; he pricked lu tistamientu lu
ficiru the Jesuvites, and his son Princes ristà' poghiru.
There was a shoe in the house, and everything was done
lu tistamientu; he calls his son and you tell him: – «I saw you
all of you are the patrimoniu up there with the Jesuvites, and you remained poor and crazy.» – «And cuomu fazzu?...» – «Lassa
uprari to my, tell us lu Scarru.» 'Unqua doppu ca a lu
Principi cci ficiru fari lu tistamientu, si nni jeru, e ristà'
my son and my master shoe. I said to the master: -
«Listen to those who do it: let's go to this happy place, I
see the robbers of your parents: you call a Nutaru, and there
you say: – «Mà patri voli fari lu tistamientu.» – Subbitu vinni lu Nutaru, and tell us: – «Nutaru, write to yourself (cu vuci

as the Princes): – I cancel the list of those who belong to them
Patri Jesuviti, and up there two thousand unzi to lu mastru Scarparu
who stays at home; up there give them gifts to my son,
cu give me blowjobs and finish them. – Si nni va lu Nutaru, si susi
of lu liettu lu mastru Scarparu, and cci mìntinu lu Princes;
then lu mìntinu nni lu tabbùtu, let's do the cunnutta, lu
drivocanu215: ddoppu passed three days of visitu216 viennu
the friends of the Jesuvites found the house of the Princes, and found them
lu son and we say: – «You lu sa' ca tò patri lu tistamientu and left all the goods to the holy Church; he'll get out of here, can't help his patrons." The son of him came back
lu Principi: – «Santi patri, aviti massimotu, ccà cc'è lu tistamientu di mà patri; Come out, Manzinò will pick you up
toe-stoppers, and I'll get you there from the appinninu stairs.» He was grateful
He was the one who had made the shoe in the end who was the Prince, and the Jesuvites would appizzaru the little ones. Accussì pri lu mastru Scarparu lu son of lu Principi
pack my father's stuff.

215 They bury him.
216 Visitu, mourning.
217 Told by Vincenzo Midulla and collected by G. Di Giovanni

Card insertion: Ignazio Caloggero


Information contributions: Ignatius Caloggero

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