The Merchant

The Merchant

Project: Atlas of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Sicily

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NEW FAIRY TALES AND SICILIAN FOLK TALES VOL. II By Giuseppe Pitre. In the Library of Sicilian Popular Traditions vol V.

LXXV – Lu Mircanti

It is said that there was once a Mircanti, and he had a
son and had it in school. The bad people of the country advised them to take dinars from their fathers, and they wanted them to
bad banna. 'N capu a year of this life, the fathers will be found'
six hundred and one suttas; we believed that it was the muglieri who had taken it from us, he gave it to the muglieri; but Idda, puviredda, no one would know anything. In fact: lu patri will appurà' ca lu
latru was lu son (cà lu patri cci ij' dappressu e vitti chi
iddu cu the friends jia at the tavern and iddu paid; a lu jocu
forget the big dinars…). Get a vastuni and tell us there
great waste. The son runs away and goes away as a parrinu527. He will parrinu lu vulía goods; he goes to lu cumpari's house
and he takes grace; he says: - «Now come back to me, cumpari, mannamulu at school in Napuli, my son, ca
Come on, study, and get ahead." Here, this father has assigned you a piece of tri tarì every day, so that you can keep it
bonu528, and the little boy left

In Napuli the dinars of one year end up within four
I put it, and he Maistru 'un sapennu comu fari, I wrote to him
parrinu cu dìricci ca lu Figliozzu avia bonu talentu, facia
progress while you study them; but we were missing the dinars. TO
corpu, let the parrinu have a hundred unzi. Little boy, come in
for four days you'll tip your friends, and stop there
vote without dinars. Lu Maistru, who could do it? more na
hand told to manchari, but more hand I wrote 'n'âtra vote more fàricci savor to the relatives of lu picciottu ca
Iddu made a lot of progress because the King had already done it
great thing, as Ginirali says, more seas and more land than
the Kingdom of Naples. The fathers and the brothers saw these littri, they made the robbi of Ginirali, they took two hundred and one uncles, and they gave it to their son. These dinars yes nni jeru to the taverns taverns, to the space of a siina of misi529 li robbi yes
nni jeru puru; and the little boy is poviru and crazy. Lu
Maistru cci makes a big face, and never had it pierced530
Stu giuvini goes to dimannari; and, walk, walk,
the city of Lònnira was reduced531. The dark syra sutta
a palace; hear you make a surdinu; say 'na window cala 'na
site scale; a Cavaleri vistutu of white Acchiana scala scala; n the window there was a merchant's daughter, and he
Cavaleri trasíu inside: to day you nni ij'. Lu 'nnhumans
Don Antuninu, the son of the merchants, has three pugs
of alms, a paper visa is made, and the sira, quannu

lu surdinu rang, until it was lu Cavaleri di la sira
go ahead, grab the little one, with the sita ladder. There
little girl took the big amuri from us, gave us the big dinars, (cause the dinars didn't have the shovel), and I said to us: - "Tee,
clothes; get yourself a building in the Quattru Cantuneri532, and
tomorrow sira come back.» Lu 'nnnumani sira iddu turnau vistutu 'na gallantaría; and Idda said to us there's a lot of doubles more messing up the palace of nova 'nvinzioni up to
all of them like this from the kitchen, and then you get a very beautiful carriage with two beautiful drivers, and all.
The 'nnumani Don Antuninu makes everything happen. When he lives
no one is missing, cu lu cunsigliu of the little girl lu Don Antuninu goes to 'mmita a lu mircanti, lu patri d'idda, di jiri a manciari cu iddu. Lu miraculous stunatu
of the great ceremonies, cci ij'; and Don Antuninu cci tinni un
lunch daveru spavintusu; and then he went to the house in a carriage. On the eighth day lu miraculous 'mmitau ddu
Gentlemen, take care of yourself, and no longer make a bad impression on yourself
let the King who was cumpari know the tavula addrizzu. Don Antuninu says: - «And why don't you have a family? (because the girl, more foul above the natural ones, no
cci vosi jiri a tavula cu iddi). — «She is distressed, you say, my daughter.» — «And then I'll go again….» Giuvini says. There
little one, let's take advantage of (from) lu patri, then cci ij', pirchì lu patri cci I said: - «O come immediately to the table, but let's ascippi corpa533! » Idda until now I've never seen you before;
tip; towards the vintidu uri, the miraculous men go there
I'm a palace, with great ceremonies. The sira lu picciottu
acchiana nni the daughter of the merchants, they mancianu four
row of pasta534. — «Dumani, you tell us idda, she has more marriages than fathers.» Lu 'nnumani, gala carriage, e
Don Antuninu ij' nni lu mircanti. — «Dear miracles,
if you have so many pleasures, I want to be seen by your wife.»
Reply from lu mircanti: — «Cci haju l'urtimu piaciri536
A mazzujornu cci nni fazzu discursu to my daughter; a vint'uri viniti pi the answer.» 'Nsumma, 'ntra obtu terms
now the little ones are married; and the miracles told us
to the daughter 'a great gift.
After four or so years, whoever gets together, pick me up
lu husband and I said to the wife: - «I would like to see my parents who are in Palermu, and I have to stop by
Napuli, cà sugnu passedtu Ginirali more seas and more land than him
(from) Rulers of Napuli.» The wife's response: —
«Who knows, wait for me to talk to my patri, who
It will make you pass Ginirali more seas and more land than the mentioned ones
Lònnira.» And go nni lu patri; lu patri va nni so cumpari lu

King of Lònnira, you won't be displeased with this cumpari, cci
mannau 'na mrâglia by Ginirali537. Lu Don Antuninu yes
rest for allure; but then he wanted to leave Palermu more forcefully.
Before arriving at the bordu pi 'mmarcàrisi, lu galisseri lu
on the edge of an appinninu bridge538; Vote the carriage and yes
he carries the cash with the dinars. Don Antoninu comu pirdíu
seeing the carriage, we go to 'mmarca, and leave Palermu.
First of all, I'm the first one; and the parrinu makes us a party.
— «And my fathers and mothers?» you say Don Antuninu. —
«Eh! son; on reduced to poverty, and held a funnacu a
S. Antuninu539.» — «Go there, parrinu, and tell us
I want to see them." Va lu cumpari: — «Cumpà', and who do you say about your son Ninu?» — Reply from lu patri:
— «Nenti, cumpà', don't let me down!» — «Now, here
you say lu cumpari, zoccu you say you say you; yes I will find it at your side
son, I'll have you here, my son." — «Yes, me
sons, come to Palermu, I don't want him inside: whoever
nni jissi to watch pigs in S. Aràsimu540.» Lu cumpari
ridennu ridennu cci lu go cunta a lu sonzzu. —
«Cci vaju, say the child, to S. Aràsimu!» And yes nni ij'
come on, look at pigs.
Now those who, of little children, knew sunari lu friscalòru541; and sunannu sunannu 'nsigna' the pigs to march, and to

jirisi mussu mussu comu avissiru to make war. One day
tra di l'âtri cci appi a jiri lu Re; gather together whoever meant the pigs with this friscalòru; he says: - «You're a kid
'a big head; come and tell them you have overtaken them; now mon
fazzu Ginirali more seas and more land.» And here comes the madness
of Ginirali.
Lassammu a chisti, and pigliammu a la Don's muglieri
Antuninu, whoever I never saw come to your husband. You take 'na
amount of sums of dinars, them spinsaliziu robbi
maritu and muglieri and parts of Palermu. In Palermu ascertained
ca lu patri e la matri di lu maritu avianu stu funnacu a S.
Antuninu, and ij' a stari ddà. Lu mazzujornu si li fic acchianari to lunch with idda. Mangiannu, he says to lu patri: -
"Now you have no children?" — «Sissi', unu, e è tantu riversu ca m'arridducì' a dimannari.» — «'Nca mannatilu a
call me,” the furaster tells us. — «Vassa lu lassa perdiri, ca lu mannai to look at pigs,» say lu patri. — «But
facìtilu vèniri, quantu lu viju.» Take your fathers and your manna
to call. The furastera makes lighthouses, it's a beautiful cassata
fics beggars. I won the little boy, and I can't leave him
idda. Idda shared, and to iddu cci nni she gave cchiù assà': of
the cassata cci nni called menza di chinu and chinu542. The patri always said: - «Vassa lu lassa jiri a ssu porcu, ca
he doesn't deserve it."

Once the furastera finished eating, she went to dress in the robbi
of lu spunsaliziu. Your husband will live with you and yes
he hugged her; I know they were ready for him, and he saw Ginirali from the Kingdom of Lònnira and Chiddu from Napuli. Subbitu s'hannu prisintatu a li funnacari: — «Vassa binidica, Papa; Vassa bininidica, Mama.» — «Chistu is me
husband." — «Chista è mè muglieri»; and that's all there is to it
lu passageu. There was a great day at home; And
Nora said 'a good sum of dinars to them soggiri and to
the parrinu who had wished so many blessings to Idda's husband.
After the day Lònnira left again, and always looked at her
holy peace.
Iddi ristaru maritu e muglieri,
And we ristamu scàuzi di peri.


527 Parrinu, godfather.
528 The father, wanting to support his son well, assigned him three tari every day.
Before 1860, this allowance was something in Sicily, where with a monthly salary of two onze (L. 25,50) or slightly more, a marriage was considered. I remember hearing more than one mother make this speech: – «Zita is my hot girl; there I won a beddu mastru who vusca li soi tri tarì lu day; and you can keep the bellowing.»

529 For the space of six months.
530 The master gives him a big face turn and sends him away.
531 Lònnira, London.

532 The Four Cantons, crossroads in the center of the city of Palermo. The novelist, having no other ideas than those of the grandeur of Palermo, the ancient capital, cites this Palermo square as a popular and central square in London,
which due to its importance is also celebrated in popular songs. See PITRÈ,
Pop songs. yes.

533 Otherwise you will have blows (beatings).
534 Tips etc. This phrase has the same meaning as the verb
tips on page 189 note 2 of this volume [see note 857 in the electronic edition Manutius].
535 Tomorrow, says the girl to her lover, go and ask me to marry him
536 The urtimu piaciri, here the maximum of pleasures

537 And he sent him the General's medal.
538 The messenger throws him from a bridge.
539 Outside Porta di S. Antonino in Palermo there are many warehouses for muleteers
and traffickers who come from various parts of Sicily.
540 S. Erasmo in Palermo.
541 Friscalòru, in Pal. friscalettu, whistle

542 Idda etc. She shared, and to him (her husband) she gave much (of what she shared). She gave him a whole half of the cassata. (Cassata, sugar dessert and
ricotta: cake).

543 Told by maestro V. Restivo, and collected by Mr. Gaetano Di Giovanni.

Card insertion: Ignazio Caloggero


Information contributions: Ignatius Caloggero

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