The Cyclops
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The Cyclops

Project: Atlas of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Sicily

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NEW FAIRY TALES AND SICILIAN FOLK TALES VOL. II By Giuseppe Pitre. In the Library of Sicilian Popular Traditions vol V.

LXXI – Lu Ciclòpu

A journey is told that there was a Rignanti, and he was married. The friends of stu Rignanti cci rigurdavanu to lu Re: - «Maistà, I saw 313 ca the Riggina cci fa mancanzi.» Lu Re, sintenu chistu lu jornu at the table we make a run away to the muglieri, but the muglieri arrispusi ca of these so 'a cci wasn't nothing: take lu Re and I started to pustiari 314 these facts, and I saw ca cc 'it was a simple staircase ca acchianàvanu and scinnìanu pirsuni; give orders to get some wives and make a quarry in the middle of the staircase, and put it inside 315 and have them give us a tray of bread and a glass of water every day. Azzùffanu 316 you serve them at the King's muglieri, and you put it in the quarry giving nnucci 'na fedda of bread and a glass of water every day; idda around there was 'ncummudata317 accattà'318 a little guy. This little boy cries out for more than twelve years, and every time he says to his mother: - «Ma, pricchicì stammu ccà?» — «Son, the piccati vonnu accussì me.» — «Lu patri l'haju? what do you say to us, little one; the mother replied:

— «Yes, the father has it and he is the King. Take these little ones with their mothers and cumincianu a gracciari319 lu pirtusu dunni cci trasìanu lu manciari, and nesci this little ones. He turns away and you say to us: - «You, son, don't care?» —

«Nn'haju, matri mia» I told us. — «Look what you have to do: acchiana susu: I saw that there is seven càmmari a filu, nni stu while320 ca tò patri sleep, 'nfili the hand sutta li matarazza, and I saw that there is a nfatata spata , you take it adaciu adaciu, and you don't walk the ladder, and you take the best rider who is there: put the seat on it, the bridle, and you get out; 
come and call me, cravaccàmu and nni nni jamu, so that if you know your fathers, he won't kill you.» He takes from his mothers, he crams them into the cavaddu and they go away. While we were in the countryside where the great pitittu both of us were coming, the son said to his mother: - «I wish you could chase away the violu violu321, let him avoid the path and go to viju more putiri prucacciari da manciari.» He takes and gives us a very beautiful piru foot, and on that stupendous piru foot there were two who looked at him and kept an eye on the fruit, and they were called Ciclòpi. The little one with the spata to lu hjancu, cu lu grande pitittu ch'avia, acchiana at lu piru's feet, and 'ncumència to pick and eat; then the little painting322 bowed; go pri scinniri di lu piru, and the Cyclops will whisper again, whoever wants to sbramari323 to these little ones; lu picciottu curaggiusamenti throws his saber and kills both of them. While your son is watching more of his food, his mother encounters a Ciclòpu; and I said to her: "Unni stati jennu?" Ciclòpu replied: - «Staju jennu, ca haju un billissimu casamentu, quattru miles arrassu di ccà, chi cci haju all sort of compustìbuli di manciari324.» The woman replied: - «Sintiti, I have a daughter who is so many years old in my life, I'll tell you who makes me leave you alone, my son, and I'll come back to you.» Let's leave this Ciclòpu and let's go: the sons of our mothers arrive: — «Vossa binidica325, matri; vossa
come on, I'm going to get stumped by the piru, the pyre's abuttativi328.» To the pirate's wife I said to him, my son: "Walk straight ahead and avoid the most rotten pircacciari from eating." He takes it and goes. This mother of hers knows that Ciclòpu, tells us to eat, and she enjoys herself with Ciclòpu. The son begins to look after his mother, and she lived in a beautiful palace, and there was her stepmother. The mother gathers for her son to come; you tell us to lu Ciclòpu: - «Ammucciati nna 'na càscia, ca vi dennu robbi di supra, chi stà vinennu lu mè son, ca vidennu lu cavaddu acchiana.» 'Nsumma, the son of this house arrives, the boy passes by, and I see the horsewoman, whoever was there, I know about him; he picks up susu and goes to see his mother. — «Mom, what's up with this palace?» — «Son, there's nothing.» — «Are there any tips? Mangiammu: chiddu who flies Say.» Mum told us to eat. — «Matri, I'll take the cavaddu, and go and see if you can do some hunting.» — «Yes, son, go have fun.» She takes the cavaddu, and goes hunting. He hunted with the enchanted saber in his hands; whoever saw a jazzu, he liked the saber blow, and killed him. Nni stu while he goes hunting, he'll get a great foot
more adults, and there were twelve Cyclops who looked at him; the assartàru these twelve Cyclops; this little guy pulls his sabre, he starts fighting these twelve Cicròpi and kills them. Opposite these feet of piru there was no beautiful house; there were four female children of Rignanti, whoever took the Magu, who wanted to sail to these little ones; the little boy doesn't gather and doesn't have any jutu in this house; the sons of the four Rignanti lu ficiru acchianari susu; acchianatu susu cumincianu to dimanari whose son he was and whose son he was; I replied lu picciottu: - «I' sugnu son of Rignanti.» Cci cunzàru a very beautiful table, tell us a handful; to lu cavaddu they told us the oriu. I replied to the little boy: — «Lassatimìnni jiri, ca quarchi quattru miles arrassu di ccà c'è n'âtru billissimu casamentu ca cci lassavu a mè matri332.» He takes leave and goes away. The mother gathers to come for her son and she has Cicròpu ambushed; when the son arrives, he unloads, unloads the game, carries it up, and takes it to his mothers, always ligannucci with their hands333; obedient to their mothers. The mother begins to prepare the hunt, sets out some treats for us, and makes very nice treats for her son. Livatu di manciari lu son, the mother replied: - «Moru! who dulces! who dulurites!» — «Oh, motherfucker, who wants to spend more time with these duluri, what do you want to tell us?» — «O son, son, my mother told us, when she was at home
tò fathers, and he gave me these duluri, he took someone, and forced me to take a small amount of water from the Ciblicanna.» — «Lestu, matri, ca ora cci vaju!» Suddenly he goes to nesci lu cavaddu, and he goes to around this water of Ciblicanna; he goes to pass by ddu palazzu unn'eranu the four sons of Rignanti, acchiana susu; to lu cavaddu tell us the oriu and to iddu tell us a handful. Say lu picciottu: - «Can you give me any news about the water of Ciblicanna?» I answered the little ones and said to us: - «O son, son, they haven't passed by, but they haven't turned up! Listen to what you're doing: take your violin straight, and see that a hill is in your way, and see that there's a lot of sights335; don't kill someone; jinchìti a pair of vertuli of tozza of meat and see you ca minannu 'n'âtra little of via vi 'ntoppanu du' liuna cu li mazzi 'n manu; and 'half of these two liuna there is the fountain of the water of Ciblicanna; then take the meat and jittari a piece of it for chiddu, and a piece for chistu liuni; if you take care, while these girls are eating their meat, you take some baccaruni336, and the water, and you'll come back immediately. Then when you all wake up like this, come step away." - Take the little one, put him in a cavaddu, and go away; when you reach the plain, he kills you 337 and bows a pair of meat shoots, and you don't have any luck; when you arrive at the two liuna, start giving meat to the liuna, while those who eat this meat, go and bow to the baccaruni of this Ciblicanna water and if you don't come back once it was the cavaddu, you put it on the cavaddu, and if you don't go to the little ones who stay away from us; scravaccà' and acchiana' susu nni
the little ones; the little ones, as they were, enriched with water, cunzàru the table and told us to eat; and to lu cavaddu the òriu. Don't stop while you're tipping the little guy, there
four sons of the Rignanti took away the water for us who purged the Ciblicanna, put us another batch of water, and Idda brings us this water to their mothers; the ordinary mother
vitti overlooks begins to cry: - «Moru! who dulurites!» His son was drawing water; give us the water, idda if you live it, and you'll pass by; then she told us to give a tip to her son, and I said: - "Do you know who made the fathers like this?" she sang five chiova 'on the ground, and then we didn't send crosses so much and so many iddu and we didn't alienate us when we arrived. » As a son, I said to us: - «Chiantammu nail them, and let's seemma exactly how you did with my parents.» Chiantati li chiova nni lu lul of the room, I'm her mother so I'll stick to her son before her; attack whoever she was, she goes and calls to lu Ciclòpu, takes the same saber as her son, and gets him killed: they make tozza tozza, they put 'ta' na visazza339 and they put him on top of lu cavaddu; lu jittaru out of unni catch catch 340. Lu cavaddu, who was 'nsignatu di jirisìnni nni ddu casamentu, si nni ij'; the little Rigginotti boys saw the horseman pulling him inside, and there he saw the sight above; once the face has been unloaded, they go to find the body of two little ones; he takes them all and he begins to place them piece by piece, and measures them to the man's body; then I took the water from the Ciblicanna, began to splash all of it with the water, and I found the little boy again, saying to the little ones: - «Oh who will change who you made me!» The little ones replied: - «Talè unn'èritu misu!341» and cci cuntàru all over the past. — «And now, you say little boy, what do you have to do with my mothers?» The little ones say: - "When you arrive who is not one of your mothers, you end up annoyed, you open all the rooms and the houses, and you look for them all, you find Ciclòpu, pick him up and bring him the cammaruni, he's the big one who's there." 'is, and then you tell us: - «Mà'342, I've given you so many pleasures, now don't give me one.» I replied the mother; you say: — «Chi hê fari?» —
«We invite you to the party of chidda spica di muru345, and lu Ciclòpu of the other spica di muru, when we arrive at midday we will hug you.» Nni while they were embracing each other, he takes the saber and cuts off the heads of both of them, and inspires the enchantment of the two palaces; he leaves the little boy and the sons of the Rignanti go away; answer their children
Rignanti: — «Semu livati ​​di lu 'ncantamentu, ora si' tu lu patruni di nuàtri quattru; I wanted to tell you about that years ago.» The little boy replied: - «Tell me whose children you are, why would you like to leave your fathers for a first time?» We take these four little boys and start walking towards the city of Palermu; si 'mmarcàru, and si nni jeru in Napuli; he allocates himself in the brightest lucanna, and Iddu makes the army be given to the King. The King, as his daughter looks like, knowing who can't say it, will want to give it to the furasteri; but iddu said she's never leaving
this idea. Enjoy the great compliments, and let the other sons go to the rulers of Partuallu, of Spain and of Russia; and all lu vulevanu pri jènnaru. Lu Rignanti by
Russia was 'Mperaturi; and the little boy was married to the daughter of the Emperor of Russia, who was the bed of rare offers, and the dinars were the daughter of the shovel. Enough: si spusaru and tinniru lu gran fistinu di abballu. Iddi ristaru maritu and muglieri, And nâtri like many Sumerians.

313 I saw it, mind you.
314 A pustiari, to observe secretly.
315 Nna, for euph., in there.
316 Azzùffanu, here: they take with violence; and it looks like it. they catch.
317 'Ncummudata, here pregnant.
318 Accattà', gave birth

319 Gracciari, scrape.
320 Stu while, while.
321 Let me hunt, let me chase the horse out of the way.
322 Lu Guardanu, they guarded the pear tree.
323 He bowed the little picture, filled that void between his chest and shirt with pears.
324 Sbramari, to tear to pieces.

325 Compustìbuli di manciari, edible to eat: superfluity of shapes
popular ones such as the following: Malatu 'nfirmu, (seriously ill); vina arteria (artery), blood emurraggía, horse riding in cavaddu etc.
326 That's about to come.
327 She bless me.
328 Snacks, fill yourselves.
329 After you eat the pears.
330 Pircacciari, the same as: prucacciari.

336 The fairy princesses continue their conversation with tu.
337 Baccaruni, accr. of bàcara, in the provinces of Trapani and Girgenti, large
338 Go, ox

339 They cut it piecemeal and put it inside ('ta per 'nta, 'ntra, dintra,
I enter) a saddlebag.
340 They threw it at random, wherever it went.
341 Mìsuru, for mísiru, miserable, united, tied.
342 Zabbiari, dip it in the water.
343 Look where you were (éritu eri tu) placed.

344 Notice how the dialogue that should take place between the son and the mother, predicted by the fairy princesses, passes into the mouth of the mother while they predict it
and to the son himself, disappearing the figure of women. This, as we will have seen, is not uncommon in short stories, where the people speak frankly, simply, as the language comes from the heart.
345 You have to stand out from that corner of the room.

46 Told to Mr. Gaetano Di Giovanni by the marble master Giuseppe Restivo.

Card insertion: Ignazio Caloggero


Information contributions: Ignatius Caloggero

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