Fra Giugannuni

Fra Giugannuni

Project: Atlas of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Sicily

Card initialized for initial cataloging purposes. 

Under analysis for a first draft that will take place soon


SICILIAN FAIRY TALES AND FOLK TALES VOL. III By Giuseppe Pitrè. In Library of Sicilian popular traditions vol VI.

CXXV – Fra Giugannuni

It is told and told that there was a cummentu in Casteltermini, and there were enough monks, and that
There wasn't someone called Fra Giugannuni. In time
who walked lu Signuri cu tutti l'Apuostuli si nni jeru a
stu Cummentu, and all the Monks to lu Signuri cci 'ddumannavanu the grace of the weapon, and Fra Giugannuni 'a cci
'ddumanava nenti. San Pietru I said to us: – «Pricchì a cci
Do you have the grace of the same weapon as the other? – «I want to add nothing.» San Pietru replies: – «Nothing?!.. When you come to Paradise we can't speak.» And he
Maistru si nni ij'. When he was juntu luntanu, Fra Giugannuni started calling him: – «Maistru, Maistru, wait, ca
I want to give you a grace, and it's about time I'm here, the haju
a 'mbilari nni lu mà buggiaccuni111. Lu Maistru said to us:
– «Thanks be given to you.»
Fra Giugannuni was old, and Morti arrived there
I said to us: – «Giugannuni, he has three years of life!» Fra Giugannuni replied to Morti: – «When you come to pick me up, he told me half an hour before.» I won the Morti and cci
I said: – «Si' muortu!» Fra Giugannuni says: – «A
nnomu of Fra Giugannuni, the Morti nni lu mà buggiac

cuni!” She can take the door inside the panittera, I told us the lie and said: - «Cummari, pin it on the smoker
fine whoever comes.» For forty years 'un muría nuddu.
Two forty years old to take the first lie
Scarzarari la Morti pri muriri Fra Giugannuni ca was
comecchiu, it's a riggía cchiù. With all the bullshit, come out
the Death, and the first who kills, to Fra Giugannuni, and
please everyone who hasn't lived forty years.
Ddoppu dies ij' a tuppïari at the door of lu Paradisu
and San Pietru I said to us: – «'A cc'è luocu pri tia.» –
«'Nquà, you say Fra Giugannuni, unni haju a jiri?» – «Nni
lu Prïatoriu,” replied S. Pietru. Tuppía a lu Prïatoriu e
I said to us: – «'A cc'è luocu pri tia.» – «'Nquà unn'haju
to jiri?” – «A lu 'Mbiernu113!» Tuppía to lu 'Mbiernu, I returned to lu Cìfaru: – «What is it?» – «Fra Giugannuni.» –
«You, says Cifaru to one of those devils, you take it
club. – You take lu martieddu! – You take it
tinaglia!» Fra Giugannuni I said to us: – «Ch'âti a fari cu
these instruments?” – «Ammu a mazzari a tia.» – «A nnomu
of Fra Giugannuni, all the devils are not fools!» Subbitu you load them in your heart, and you bring them to everyone
Within a firraru there were eight downs, and the master was new. –
«Mastru firraru, how many times do you want every morning and night
of martyrs in this lie?" And cumminieru quaran

t'unzi114. Martiddannu nights and days, the buggiacca 'a yes
he never ran, and Fra Giugannuni was always present. The urtimu juornu dissiru li firrara: – «And who are the devils! approx
they never take off!" Fra Giugannuni replied: – «Diavuli, diavuli cci sunnu! Martiddammu strong!" Dduoppu
freed from martiddari, he loads up his big jacket, and goes to unload it among a chianu; the devils were all lame and...
shattered, they will forcefully come to him. Pua
pinsà' of jiri arrieri 'n Paradisu; he tuppía: – «What is it
dduocu?” – «Fra Giugannuni.» – «'A cc'è luocu pri
tia." – «Pitruzzu, let me pass, but I'll tell you tignusu.» – «Now you told me tignusu, San Pietru reappeared,
'un trasi cchiù.» Fra Giugannuni said to us: – «Ahn! who is there?! I give you an answer!… »He stood in the door
lu Paradisu, and everyone who comes to lu Paradisu will armmuzzi him
he said to us: – «On behalf of Fra Giugannuni, everyone armmuzzi
nna lu mà buggiaccuni!» And weapons 'un ni trasieru cchiù.
San Pietru I told lu Maistru: – «Pricchì no weapons
trasinu cchiù?” Signuri replied: – «There's no place here
Fra Giugannuni will take you to the ports, and you will send them to the buggiaccuni.» – «And how do we get there?» you say San Pietru. Reply from lu Signuri – «I saw that we can take the buggiaccuni, and bring it inside the ammucciuni.» Fra Giugannuni heard them from outside; who does he do? he says: – «Ia own nni lu mà
buggiaccuni115" and it was inside lu buggiaccuni. Quannu San

Pietru talià', and Fra Giugannuni wasn't there, aggramba116 lu
buggiaccuni and lu trasi 'n Paradisu, and immediately close the door, and bar lu luggiaccuni. The first person born was Fra
Giugannuni, and will approach San Pietru, especially S. Pietru
lu vulía jittari outa, e Fra Giugannuni 'un vulía nèsciri.
Mr. Signuri replied:
At the house of Jesus
Cu' trasi' un nesci cchiù117

110 Friar Giovannone (according to Giovanni).
111 I have to put it inside my game bag. ('Mbilari, of the parlata, for 'nfilari; buggiaccuni, accr. of buggiacca, a dress similar to the bunàca, which is the game bag
or the hunter).

112 A lu fumu, at the smokehouse.
113 'Mbiernu of speech, for 'nfernu, hell.

114 And they agreed, they agreed for 40 onze.
115 «I myself inside my hunter!»

116 Aggrambari, of speech, to aggranfari, to grasp, to grasp.
117 Verses that are popular in almost proverb form.
118 Told by Giuseppe La Duca, and collected by Mr. Gaetano Di

Card insertion: Ignazio Caloggero


Information contributions: Ignatius Caloggero

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