Hidden Sicily: the first multimedia archive of the caves, hypogea and underground cultural heritage of Sicily.
by Ignazio Caloggero
Global Archive
The "Hidden Sicily" archive is made up of a series of thematic and territorial sub-archives containing (at the moment) over 940 files relating to about 1.000 cataloged and georeferenced assets concerning: caves, catacombs and hypogea, caves and natural shelters and of archaeological interest , mines, bomb shelters and other underground assets. In addition, 9 provincial sub-archives have also been activated which allow, through the use of filters, to identify all the assets present even at the level of a single municipality.
Here, for example, is the filter that, starting from the provincial archive of Catania, allows you to select the sub-archives of the individual municipalities
Provincial archive filter of Catania
The "Heritage" telematic archive of cultural heritage is a new generation database containing the assets of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of Sicily and Malta and has the following characteristics that are typical of web 3.0:
- Multimedia: Cards containing text, images, audio and video and therefore with the ability to also insert audio guides, video guides and further multimedia documents for further information
- GeoWeb: Information on georeferenced interactive Google maps, Location and identification of the path to reach the property (where relevant). Some assets are also visible on Street view, therefore with a 360 ° view of the context in which the asset is located.
- Social Web: Interactive cards with the possibility of inserting reviews, experiences. voting, comments and sharing on various social networks.
- Multi thematic and Multi territorial (Multiarchive): The archive allows the visualization on web pages of single thematic and / or territorial archives (integrated with each other). By assigning new categories and tags it is possible to create an unlimited number of thematic and territorial sub-archives.
- Advanced Search: by keywords, phrases (full text), cities, places, locations or geographical areas chosen by the user, physical location of the user, categories, sub-categories and tags
- WikiWeb: possibility of autonomous management of the cards by the authors or collaborators themselves
- Multilingual: the innovative neural machine translation system is used.
The Heritage Archive, the result of over thirty years of data collection, is a non-profit public archive and its nature is exclusively of an informative and scientific nature. At the moment (September 2022), with its approximately 11.000 cataloged assets, it is probably the largest cultural multimedia archive created.
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