Street View (if present)


Prehistoric necropolis and small surface Latomie.

Small necropolis with artificial cave tombs. Surface Latomie with fragments (from the Roman period?).

 (Text source: survey form no.78 Landscape Plan of the Province of Syracuse - Archaeological Heritage)

Archaeological Heritage Cards 

Bibliography and in-depth documents:

100) FIRST SICILY - AT THE ORIGINS OF SICILIAN SOCIETY - volume first edited by Sebastiano Tusa Palermo 1997.

Note: The populating of the files of the Heritage database proceeds in incremental phases: cataloging, georeferencing, insertion of information and images. The cultural property in question has been cataloged, georeferenced and the first information entered. In order to enrich the information content, further contributions are welcome, if you wish you can contribute through our area "Your Contributions"

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