Mouth of the Simeto River and Lake Gornalunga (ITA070001)

Mouth of the Simeto River and Lake Gornalunga (ITA070001)

Site type: SAC - Special Conservation Area

Code: ITA070001 - Hectares: 1837


Area of ​​great naturalistic interest both from the floristic-vegetational point of view and from the faunal point of view. From the landscape point of view, the territory presents itself
characterized by coastal dune complexes, by retrodual wetlands, by medium and large flow water courses and estuary areas. Geologically, the area does
presents mainly characterized by clays, alluvial sands and coastal sands. From a climatic point of view, the area is affected by a climate
Lower dry thermo-Mediterranean with average annual rainfall of about 500 mm and average annual temperatures around 18 ° C. Aspects
the most significant natural vegetation are the amphibious communities that settle along the waterways and in the old mouth. These are associations with large helophytes
falling within the Phragmito-Magnocaricetea. In the humid brackish depressions behind the dune cordon a perennial halophilous vegetation of the
Sarcocornietea and elophytes of the Juncetea maritimi. Unfortunately, rather degraded aspects of the Ammophiletea and gods settle on the dune cordon
 Quality and importance
Area of ​​great interest due to the peculiarity of the environments and to represent an oasis of rest and refuge for a rich and articulated bird life. Aspects of
marshy vegetation, brackish of flooded lagoons and psammophilous.The perimeter of the site includes one of the most important wetlands of the Catania plain and
it hosts some of the most important nesting nuclei of Anatidae and Ardeidae in Sicily. Among the most relevant species are the Moretta tabaccata, which it presents here
the only regular nesting site in Sicily, or the Chicken Sultan, recently reintroduced at the mouth of the Simeto river. Other equally important species have
the site has been permanently colonized in recent years, such as the Cattle Egret, the Gadwall and, since 2004, the Mignattaio. The integrity of natural habitats, from the mouth
at the Ponte Barca reservoir, they have remained fairly stable in recent years, with some local situations showing improvements. Rich and
the herpetofauna is also diversified, which includes most of the Sicilian species worthy of protection and the invertebrate fauna rich in numerous endemics
Sicilians and rare and extremely localized species.  

Source: Ministry of the Environment Natura 2000 form

Ministerial data:  Natura 2000 form

Card insertion: Ignazio Caloggero

Photo: web

Information contributions: Ignazio Caloggero, Region of Sicily

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