The vurza, lu firriolu and lu cornu 'nfatatu.

La vurza, lu firriolu and lu cornu 'nfatatu.

See also variant: “The father's blessing”

Project: Atlas of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Sicily

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NEW FAIRY TALES AND SICILIAN FOLK TALES VOL. THE By Giuseppe Pitre. In the Library of Sicilian Popular Traditions vol IV.


La vurza, lu firriolu and lu cornu 'nfatatu.

You say that once there was a father and then there were three cool men, and you can't help anyone in the house. One day you will win it and save yourself the three naps (1083) in front of the door. Stu patri was muribunnu, and he vulia fari tistamentu; everyone nearby said to us: - "But who do you want to leave us?" You don't have anything!" And in fact the cool guys don't want to call him Nutaru. They'll be friends with you, and they'll let you call them. Vinni lu Nutaru and cci dumannau who what he will write; I replied to us: - «He's going to a small house; I overcame it and repaid the three people who were up there in front of the door; to me figghiu lu granni up there lu first sleep; to lu minzanu, lu secunnu; and to lu picciulu, l'urtimu pisolu.»

The three figghi ca èrinu of bad cunnutta, and whoever juncia lu pitittu e la fami macari (1084), after ca muriu lu patri, lu figghiu granni pinsau and I said: - «Iu ccà, 'ntra stu paisi, nun pozzu campari; now I'll steal my hair from my parents, and I'll go to another country.» The owner of the house, when I ddu him Iju ppi pippari, I told us and lu prïau not to steal him, because she paid us for it; but chiddu dispittusu I said to us: - «Gnurnò, mè patri lu pisolu mi lassau, e lu pisolu snatched me and took me away.» In fact, the only thing was stolen and a very small difference was found; he picked it up, picked up his nap and left. They arrived at a certain state, then he arripusàrisi spríu and maniau la vurza: - «O vurza,
nescimilli (I told us) two grana, ca mi ni accattu pani!» And subbitu truvau dui grana ni la vurza! Iddu comu vitti, I said to us: -. «O vurza, 'ca (1085) nèscimi cent'unzi!» and the vurza cci liscíu, and d'accussì sichitàu (1086) up to how much
iddu vosi. Then he was rich and earned as many dinars as he wanted to build a palace to make him the King. He always looked out of that; and since the King's pussy was appearing in front of us, Iddu started to make amuri, and so many fics made friendship with the King and with us in the house. The King's pussy saw that whoever was so rich as a dad, I said to us: - «Tannu Iu mi pigghiu a tia ppi maritu quannu you tell me about unni ti come all stu dinaru.» And whoever minghiuni minghiuni (1087) trust us 'ntra lu good, and cci mustrau la vurza. Chidda without scannaliarlu, when he takes care of the bullshit, let's do it in another way, and if he takes care of the chidda who always ends up
dinars. Quannu chiddu don't worry; he became convinced of all of them, and first of all he began to defeat everyone like this, until he became poor and crazy, and no one else fell or was killed (1088.)

'In this time iddu avia saputu ca so frati lu minzanu was rich; he pinsau, and si nni ijun ni lu friars; when you arrive, you go out and hug each other, and tell us how unfortunate it is, and tell us: - «But how did you find yourself so rich?» And
chiddu cci cuntau, ca nun avennu cchiù nenti, si va scippau (1089) lu pisolu ca cci avia lassatu sò patri, e ddà sutta truvau 'n (un) firriuleddu, si lu pigghiau, si 'mpuníu lu pisolu e si ni iju; ppi, after him, I put the firriuleddu and the officers gathered, they didn't see him anymore; he tried another vote, and while there were so many agents I placed him, and whoever didn't win him. So who's cool? He was murennu di fami, pinsau di trasiri 'ntra' na putía, si pigghiau pani, Mangiari e àutru, e si ni iju senza vìdilu nuddu; of this allura safe to the rubbari neither the arginteri, nor the niguzianti; he robbed the priccàcciu and the King, until he got rich, because he didn't have anyone left to spend the dinars (1090). — «Sannunca, I said to us the friars puvireddu, 'ca s'annunca (1091), dear friars, please me: 'Press me this firriuleddu as much as you accommodate me, and then I'll come back to you;» and the friars, ca lu vulia beni, I said to us: - «Yes, pigghatillu; get rich, and then come back to me." — «Yes, fratuzzu miu; iu doppu ca m'accommitu (1092), lu firriolu ti lu portu.» Cci him pigghiau fires, and yes ni iju. As soon as I was done, I immediately began to do it where I would have to arrubbannu cchiù more dinari friars, oru, argintaria, and everything who could get it from him. When he was well trained, he didn't turn to jiri ni lu Re, and he sure loved the Rigginotta. The Rigginotta ca lu vitti n'àutru cchiù riccu of before, accuminciau 'n'àutra vote to pigghiarisillu ccu lu bonu: — «And will you win these dinars from unni? and how do you get rich, do you miss me dad, do you have so many summi? Yes you tell me, a manual (1093) will make you cuntenti and ni maritamu.» And everyone would cry, if you don't trust anyone else and tell us the firriuleddu. But who thinks Rigginotta is making lighthouses? I told her - «Do you know who I'm telling you? let's eat first and then ni addivirtemu.» Allura iddu eat and vippi, and the Rigginotta lu alluppiau 'n'àutra votes, fici 'n (un) firriuleddu lu stissu, and cci arrubbau chiddu that makes Christians disappear. Iddu turns to arzari, cci pigghiau dismisses and yes ni iju, but vitti doppu, ca lu firriuleddu not the avia cchiù, and no chiddu stissu ca he avia first, pirchì sulennu
iddu jiri ni 'na picciotta ccu six friars quannu lu sò firriolu, and ddà the vasava and cci seemed ahead of everyone, and who never saw him, turned to jiricci, and lu sò solitu trasíu while everyone was seated, and hush hush cridennu as it was before, there was no vision of anyone, the life of vasari and strinciri; but this vote the friars saw good things, they all susèru and ppi the ultragium ca cci avia facttu, lu accutufàru 'ntra li vastunati (1094), and quannu cci adjustru bonu lu jimmu, (1095) and nni lu ficiru jiri cchiù crooked ca straight. Allura, puvireddu, never happened like this, after he healed his swords and walked menzu arrigulari, he pinsau of turnarisinni to him I know paisi ppi buscàrisi four squats of
pani cu lu sò travagghiu. But from the moment they arrived, his brothers were gathered; he will build a beautiful building and maintain many created people. Iddu pinsau and said: «Now I don't go to my brothers, because some people don't bother me»; it's in fact cci iju.
When I was a friar I said to myself: - "O dear friars, and you have been there, it seems to me that at this time you were dead!" He is the one who vasau and embraces faces with a great face. When he gets fed up with you, I'll take care of you and spy on you: -
“But how did you get rich?” And chiddu: — «Listen, you know ca lu patri mi lassau l'urtimu pisolu; 'n (un) day when I was dispiratu, I stole ppi vinnirimillu; and ddà sutta truvai 'n (un) cornu; comu lu vitti, ppi spassu lu vosi sunari, ea
corpu comu sunai niscèru so many overdata, and I said to myself: - «Who cumanni?» Then you'll come to me on Sciatuni (1096) and I'll get back to you again. When I made sure of it, I took (1097) so many cities that I had survived wars and battles (1098) more money in, and when I won so many sums, I returned, I built this palace and took care of it sugnu riccu and I will cloak myself.» After the friars 'ntisi lu all, he cci addumannau ppi grace of
The more he got richer, the more he got richer, and after that he took turns giving; and lu poviru friars cci lu dèsi e cu pattu di turnariccillu.
After that you want to go, you'll vasàru and you'll hug each other and the friars will be able to win. 'Nfatti he left the city that was brighter (1099) the riches he was, moreover, he sunau lu cornu 'nfatatu, and he began to end up with so many people; when I ddu jinchíu 'n (a) great chianu, he cci urdinau to all of the sacchïari dda mentioned. The overmatched ones don't care about the money, and in the shortest time they load themselves up, (1100) so we can sum them up with the dinars, all the gold, the silver and the riches that avianu pigghiatu and parteru. To those who don't purtàvinu nenti, si sucau 'ntra lu cornu and si ni ijun ni the unni city there was the usual Rigginotta. Arrived from him pusau ni the cchiù rich lucanna, fici pusari and cunsarvari lu all, and you sucau ni lu cornu all the others oversard. After him you will be lu cornu and you will not vote for Rigginotta. When Rigginotta feeds him, he makes us grown-ups, and even the King's whole family. But the Rigginotta 'n (not) avia àutru pinseri, who with knowledge common iddu enriches 'n'àutra votes; and I started to just do the cleaning, to pigghiarisillu cu lu good, up to as many as many things I said and as many things as Iddu cci cunfidau ca lui avia lu cornu 'nfatatu e putia fari nèsciri di lu cornu macari miliuni of overdata; and he saw you there. Rigginotta ended up being all stupid, and to lu menzijornu a tavula
lu alluppiau more won. 'In this time she'll pigghiau lu cornu' nfatatu and cci ni fici unu ca nun sirvía. 
When the nnumani arrive, the King and the Rigginotta will licinziaru murtificannulu pirchì s'via 'mbriacatu; iddu si ni iju mutu mutu, and left ppi n'àutru paisi, purtànnusi all the riches and dinars that he still has; but to certain
Puntu cci nisceru twelve latri and lu vulevinu arrubbari, but iddu ca pinsau ca avia lu cornu, a corpu jittau manu a li latri and si addifinniu and then sunau lu cornu ppi nèsciri all of them overcome and armari battle ppi to kill all the twelve
latri. But appi vogghia di sunari e pàrisi lu strong, cà li latri lu robbaru, l'accutufaru 'ntra li vastunati, pirchì facia lu prisintusu cu twelve armed, and more miraculu lu lassaru 'nterra cchiù vivu ca mortu cu lu cornu a la vucca ca sunava of paru (1101). But at the end of the day I became careful (1102), there was no cchiù chiddu 'nfatatu, and there was no cchiù chi fari, and pinsannu ca was cunsumatu iddu and all of them are brothers of him, pinsau of no campari cchiù and of jirisi to jittari di
above 'na timpa more inspirations. She arrived, after the long walk, above the lippu of the timpa, and jittann 'n (un) sàutu si jittau of ddà above, but before the mid timpa' mpiccicau 'into the air' ntra a pedi of ficu niura; and I saw nula carricatuna of ficu, she pinsau of farisi 'na panzata of ficu (1103) and I said: - «Armenu that I die with the belly satiated, » and she began to eat. But when he got there he didn't eat the trintina, he started sprouting lots of curls and horns in his head, in his face, in his nose as much as he could add it; and dispirannusi cchiù dicchiù, the more he kills himself every time he jittau 'n'àutra votes; but after that he had made corchi centu parmi àutri, 'mmisca e' mpiccica supra 'n'àutra ficu janca, (1104) cchiù carried by the first. Lu puvireddu was all bruised, and he thought about getting ready for a little while; but seeing the beautiful ficu, he said: - «Corna cchiù di chiddi ca haju nun mi ni ponu (1105) nàsciri; I always haju a muriri: now I addubbu (1106).» — And in fact he cuminzau a manciarisinni; as soon as he eats you three, he gathers so that he will take away his three horns; allura cuntintuni sicutau to eat ficu and each one of us ate cci scumparia 'n (un) cornu. See who this is, he didn't eat much more until we all arrived, and he arrived smooth and tasted better than before.
Quannu si vitti without horns, pinsau di scinniri passu passu di lu ficu, and arrampicuni acchianau timpu timpu (1107) without arriving at the ficu niura, dda ni cugghíu 'na bella muccaturata (1108) e si ni iju a la città comu megghiu potti.
After I put them inside the beautiful cannistru, I saw massàru, and Iju to win the very best ones, there I was outside the time, on the palace. A corpu was called to (from) the sintinedda; he acchianau supra and si 'ccattau tutti lu Re. Lu pagàru e iddu cci pigghiau license vasànnucci lu jinocchiu (1109). A lu menzijornu lu King cu cu l'enti famghiàru ddi billissirni ficu; and since Rigginedda liked us a lot, he didn't eat him more than anyone else.
How to hurry up with food, in the body we vittiru who were bowed with horns in the whole face, and the most of all Rigginotta had it. Then everyone cunfusiru and no one knew any more lighthouses. Call them cirusichi (1110) mentioned above, but
Whoever was confused, and told us there was no one to help give Ricci. When the King 'ntisi chistu, he fic' n (un) bannu, and said to whom he pounded them with these horns, cuncidia the grace he wanted, and gave us whoever he desired.
Quannu lu parruscïanu di li ficu (1111) 'ntisi lu bannu jittatu, si ni iju ni la ficu janca, ni va a côsi 'n bellu panàru (1112), and si li mi 'ntra 'na specii di vurza, si fincíu cirusicu , and ijun ni lu Re. The sintinedda lu fici allura tràsiri: and
acchianau 'n palazzu. Afterwards he approached the King and said to him: - «Riali Maistà, I will be there for you all and I will take my horns off you….» — La Rigginotta comu 'ntisi chistu, a corpu ijun ni só her father, and I said to us: — «Maistà, I'll be the first to invite you to make my life.» And the King tells us. Allura lu cirusicu yes purtau ni 'na room pi ottu days. When I was closed, I said to Rigginotta: - « Can you leave me yes or no? (and this is what I want). Now listen to who you are
I say briefly: yes you give me back the vurza ca jetta dinari, the firriuleddu 'nvisibuli and lu cornu 'nfatatu, I'll take all your horns off, sannunca ti ni fazzu nasciri n'àutru tantu.» The Rigginotta ca avia pruvatu and 'ntisu many duluri and sapia ca iddu
I had so many infatuated ones, I told you, and I told you - "Yes, I'll give you all back, you have me to lift my horns and then to pattu ca
ha' aessere mè maritu.» Iddu accunsintiu, and the Rigginotta cci cunsignau the vurza, lu firriuleddu and lu cornu 'nfatatu; then she'll let us eat as many ficu janchi as many horns as she can, and we'll all get there. After Rigginotta
no more horns, iddu li fics fall to the King and to the Riggina and to all who ddi ca n'avianu, and then cci adduman (1111) Parruscianu, of the parl. for parruccianu, he who always serves himself at such a shop or shop; or even someone who often sells to the same individual. Hence this title for the fake fig seller at the Court. nau more grace of vuliri to the Rigginotta more spusa. Lu Re cci lu granted, and allura jittàru 'n (un) bannu, and yes maritaru. Iddu turned lu firriuleddu and lu cornu to each of the brothers, and the vurza jetta-dinari jingled, and arristau more and more jènniru of lu Re. Lu Re doppu n'annu morsi, and arristau iddu cu sò mugghieri Re and Riggina cuntenti and filici
And we usually have bunches of roots.


1083 Pisola, sm plural. of pisolu, brick. In Palermo, a small rounded piece of brick used in the so-called pisuli game is called pisula.
1084 Macàri, lawyer, pure, also.

1085 'Ca of speech, for 'nca, 'unca, dunca, therefore.
1086 And so it went on (continued). Sichitari, of the speech that also has sicutari; in
Salaparuta siguitari.
1087 Minghiuni, also of Trapani and Marsala pronunciation. for fools.
1088 Very common phrase for those who have been reduced to broke without the cross of a

1089 We go scippau, we go to collect, uproot.

1090 Here ends the rich brother's tale of his adventures; whose
As can be seen, the novelist takes his place in the narrative.
1091 Sannunca, if it is so, his poor brother told him, then if it is so...
1092 After I settle down (I'll settle down, I'll make some money).

1093 A la manu, then and there, right away.
1094 Accutufàru from accutufàri, in Palermo accutuffari, to give a good beating.
Here: they left him battered under the beatings. — This period is too long for the people.
1095 Fixers lu jimmu, literal. fix the hump; and fig. it is said of beating someone severely.
1096 Then I drew back my breath, inhaled. Sciatuni, accr. of sciatu, which is spoken for hiatu in Girgenti, ciatu in Pal. and all of Sicily.
1097 Furriari, della parl., for firriari, to turn.
1098 Battle, for battle, of speech; battle

1099 Luminaries, idiot. for numinaries; thus we have 'lluminari, aluminari, 'lluminata (renown).
1100 The soldiers did not do otherwise, and in a short time they withdrew loaded.

1101 With the horn in the mouth, playing for a long time, without interruption.
1102 He became alert, on guard.

1103 Here is the version of this passage: «He arrives; after walking a lot
on the slippery slope (lippu, proper moss found on humid places) of one
cliff, and giving a leap, he threw himself from there. But in the middle of the cliff, he remained attached, in the air, to a black fig, and seeing it loaded full (with figs), he thought of having a
feast of figs.»
1104 But doubpu etc. But after having walked another hundred feet, he hits and gets stuck
in another fig.
1105 Ponu, of speech, for ponnu, can.
1106 Addubbarisi, see. refl., sit down, refresh yourself here.

1107 Timpu timpu, of speech; in almost all of Sicily: tincu tincu, of yarn.
1108 Muccaturata, as much stuff as fits into a muccaturi, which is the handkerchief, the snot, etc.
1109 Jinòcchiu, sm of the spoken word, for dinòcchiu (Palermo), cunòcchiu (prov.
of Girgenti); ginocchiu (in various places), knee. Here's a new use for
popular traditions: kissing the King's knee.
1110 Cirùsichi s. plural of cirùsicu, cerusico, surgeon. Elsewhere ciarùsicu,
chierùsicu, chirùsicu, chirùricu, chiéruricu, chiàruricu, medicu of chiaga, to
unlike the physical doctor, who is called pusu (pulse) medicu.

1112 There's a nice basket of them

1113 Collected by Mr. Salvatore Pasquale Vigo by Lionardo.

Card insertion: Ignazio Caloggero


Information contributions: Ignatius Caloggero

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