Palermo sweet panelle
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Palermo sweet panelle

Palermo sweet panelle

Ingredients: Ingredients for 4 people)
NS. 300 of chickpea flour,
NS. 50 of lard,
half a glass of milk,
NS. 50 of sugar,
a whole egg,
NS. 100 of vanilla sugar


Palermo sweet panelle 

Boil a quarter of a liter of water with half a glass of milk, sugar, lard and a pinch of salt. Then, remove the pan from the heat and add the chickpea flour and the egg, mix well until you get a mixture of a certain consistency. Pour the mixture onto a surface, level and allow to cool, cut into rectangles and fry the panelle thus obtained in boiling oil. As soon as they have cooled, sprinkle with icing sugar.

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