Equipped Area Santa Maria del Focallo State
Street View (if present)

Equipped Area Santa Maria del Focallo State

From Pozzallo take the SP n. 67 in the direction of S. Maria del Focallo - Marispica and Pachino. You pass the intersection that indicates Ispica and always on the same SP immediately after the tourist village Marispica, about 5 km from Pozzallo, on the left a very evident sign almost on the roadside indicates the presence of the equipped area marked by a grove and from a typical forest fence.
The equipped area is located inside a state-owned back-dune grove with tree cover made up of eucalyptus, pines and acacias, typical plants of the area and which make the site very cool and shady. Benches and wooden tables made in special pitches in stone allow you to spend a few hours of relaxing rest and to be able to consume a sandwich, while fountains, toilets
and waste collection points furnish the area with a touch of refined naturalness.
The State Forestry of Santa Maria del Focallo is characteristic because it was built in banks of dunes not far from the sea and the presence of trees has allowed over time that these lands, which are inherently unstable, could have their own vegetational features.
The arboreal plants mentioned above are accompanied by various heliophilous species and among all the cuddly juniper, typical and exclusive of these coastal environments.

Samta Maria del Focallo wooded complex - Ispica
<!– 3000
-> Absence of architectural barriers
2 toilet
including 1 for the disabled
Possibility of picnics thanks to: 8 tables, for a total of 50 seats
5 points of non-drinking water

Height 100 m.

Managing Body

Department of Regional State Forestry Company

Provincial Office of the Ragusa Company

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ProximitySeaWCAbsencesBarriereWaste baskets

Endemic FaunaFloraEndemicLittle FountainsCar parking


Note : The population of the cards of the Heritage database proceeds in incremental phases: cataloging, georeferencing, insertion of information and images. The cultural property in question has been cataloged, georeferenced and the first information entered. In order to enrich the informative contents, further contributions are welcome, if you wish you can contribute by providing information and / or images also through the facebook group "Heritage Sicily"

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Note on Sources

The information on the equipped state-owned areas has as its main source the website of the Regional Forestry Department of Sicily (continuously updated) to which is added a very interesting brochure entitled "The State Equipped Areas in Sicily" of the same department published in 1999 with the Editorial Coordination of the 8th Group - Promotion, Development and Research, editors Agostino Gatto and Valeria Restuccia. Further information was obtained from direct access to the areas and from interviews with experts and operators in the sector.

For official information and updates to the lists, see the pages of the site of the Sicily region - Department of the Regional State Forestry Company

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