Sicily Instamaps
Social aggregator on a map of photos from Instagram (and other social networks) linked to cities and places of tourist interest. The galleries allow the real-time viewing of photos shared on Social Networks through tags associated with places or simply geolocated in the places indicated on the map. To find a location, zoom in on the map or enter data in the search fields below the map. Instamaps now also contains WebcamMaps: webcam map
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If you want to see your Instagram photos, please use the tag "# Nomelocalitàinrete" (for photos concerning monuments and Cultural Heritage in general and the tag "# nomellocality" for all the rest. In addition, the latest geo-localized photos on Instagram are displayed for all locations.
[maplist categories = "806,800 ″ initialsorttype =" distance "openinnew =" true "showthumbnailicon =" true "startlatlong =" 37.30999,14.01536 ″ defaultzoom = "7 ″ simplesearch =" combo "clustermarkers =" true "locationsperpage =" 15 ″]
Sicily Instamaps
Sicily Instamaps Sicily Instamaps - In real time in a single 3.0 Instagram web page, and other Social Networks