List of National Inventory of Cultural Heritage of the Maltese Islands - National Inventory of Cultural Property of the Maltese Islands (NICPMI)
The National Inventory of Cultural Heritage of the Maltese Islands (National Inventory of Cultural Property of the Maltese Islands - NICPMI -) aims to identify and inform public opinion about Malta's rich cultural heritage. The inventory was established in 2011 under Article 7 (5) (a) of the 2002 Maltese Cultural Heritage Act. The inventory is also known by the abbreviated term: National Inventory Register (NIR)
Currently, the national inventory includes immovable cultural assets such as architectural sites, archaeological sites, fortifications, sacred buildings and monuments (over 2400 registered cultural assets).
The national inventory and the government gazette can be viewed on the corporate website
Centro Studi Helios has activated a project to upload on Maltese Cultural Heritage Database 3.0 (Data Maps Heritage Malta), the entire cultural heritage entered in the register NIR in order to exploit the potential of web 3.0 (WikiWeb, DataBaseWeb, GeoWeb, SocialWeb) as well as the possibility of extrapolating individual thematic maps or a set of the most significant monuments "Monuments in Evidence" (See, for more information, the "Presentation of Malta on the Net")
Here are some useful links
List of cultural assets included in the NIR register divided by Council
Map of Cultural Heritage included in the NIR Register
Malta Cultural Heritage Map: Data Maps Heritage (DMH)
We remember that Data Maps Heritage Malta (DMHM) is extracted from the widest Data Maps Heritage (DMH) which also includes Sicily and contains several thousand points of cultural and tourist interest, its construction proceeds following the following incremental phases (also in parallel).
- Cataloging, georeferencing and insertion of cards with a first nucleus of images and information
- Deepening and enrichment of the individual information sheets
At present (January 2018) phase "A" sees inserted over 400 monuments and Maltese cultural and tourist points of interest, we plan to exceed 500 by February 2018 and 1000 by 2018. Our goal is also to include, in the multimedia and interactive database, the Cultural Heritage included in the Register: National Inventory of cultural heritage of the Maltese Islands (National Inventory of Cultural Property of the Maltese Islands) containing over 2000 monuments in the state. This register has already been entered in the Database in the form of a geolocalized list at the level of individual "Local Councils", we have started the geolocation of the individual monuments so that each of them can have its own profile and position on the interactive map. We aim to complete or arrive at the coverage of at least 90% of cultural assets included by 2019.
Centro Studi Helios is available to collaborate with Public and Private Bodies, single companies and private citizens in order to identify common synergies for the promotion of Maltese Cultural Heritage and correct / increase the information entered. Data Maps Heritage Malta (DMHM)
For information: Centro Studi Helios Srl. Tel. 0932 229065 mail:
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List of National Inventory of Cultural Heritage of the Maltese Islands
Textual list of cultural assets included in the NIR register