

Punic necropolis with chamber tombs from the Hellenistic age - Necropolis of Solunto (VI century BC-II century AD) - Industrial district with furnace from the Punic age (VI-V BC) - Punic and Hellenistic Roman city (IV century . BC - II century AD) (Text source: Guidelines of the regional landscape plan)

The first village witnessed by finds archeological it has been dated by some to the XNUMXth century BC but is probably much older; not much is known about its inhabitants but it seems that they were Elimi. The urban area, about 40 hectares, is naturally defended by steep rocky walls to the north and north-west, and by walls on the eastern and southern sides. It was established in the place because from its position it could control the way for Panormos, and the valley of Belize, which was the easiest route to the southern coast and Selinunte. Starting from the sixth century BC, the influence of Greek culture is noted both in ceramics and in religion with the introduction of the cult of Afrodite. The foundation of the Iaitas real, equipped with the classic characteristics of poles, One ,lives,agora, beautiful houses and craft shops. In the fourth century BC Iaitas and the Sicilia western, were under the dominion of CarthageDiodorus Siculus reports that towards the 275 BC the city was attacked by Pirro. During the first Punic war (264-241 BC) he handed himself over to the Romans and since then, second Plutarch, was tributary of it. There is no news of the period Byzantine. It is known that it was occupied by Arabs and that under domination Swabian these rebelled. Frederick II in 1246 he destroyed it and deported its population to Lucera di Puglia; since then the site has been abandoned. (Text source: wikipedia)

Photo: By Iaitas - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Information contributions: Ignazio Caloggero Web

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