Archaeological site in Contrada Grotta del Tauro

Archaeological site in Contrada Grotta del Tauro

The mount of C / da Grotta del Tauro, 705 meters high. above sea level, on the rocky summit of the western side there are six large cave tombs, with a circular opening and one with a semicircular shape. Three other tombs are excavated on the north-west side of the promontory
same and always have a circular shape, but smaller in size. A tomb with a rectangular opening is placed to the north.

Bronze - XNUMXnd - XNUMXth century B.C 

Area of ​​Archaeological Interest art. 142 lett. m) Legislative Decree 42/04  

(Source text of survey form n.42 Landscape Plan of the Province of Agrigento - Archaeological Heritage)

Archaeological Heritage Sheets Landscape Plan of Agrigento

Card insertion: Ignazio Caloggero

Information contributions: Web, Region of Sicily 

Photo: Google

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