Eggplant Parmigiana

Eggplant Parmigiana

eggplant parmigiana

Product included in the national list of traditional agri-food products (PAT)

Typology PAT : Products of Gastronomy

Production area

Technical data sheet of the traditional agri-food product (PAT)


Area of ​​production: All of Sicily.

Brief description of the product: Tart made with aubergines, cheese, eggs and tomato sauce. Description of the processing and maturing methods: Ingredients: aubergines, eggs, ripe tomatoes, chopped “tuma” cheese, sugar, grated caciocavallo (or parmesan), onion, garlic clove, olive oil, salt, pepper and basil.

Preparation: cut the aubergines into slices, put them in salt to drain for at least half an hour, so that they lose the bitter liquid. Firm the eggs, peel them and cut them into slices. Prepare a sauce separately with the onion, oil, the garlic clove, the chopped tomatoes, and a teaspoon of sugar. Wash the aubergines, dry them and fry them in abundant boiling oil, until they become golden and crunchy.

Grease a pan and sprinkle it with a few spoonfuls of sauce, then arrange a layer of eggplant, one of hard-boiled eggs, chopped tuma, abundant basil, grated caciocavallo (or parmesan), and a few more spoonfuls of sauce. Continue in layers ending with the aubergines and taking care to set aside a spoonful of grated cheese. Separately, beat a whole egg, mixing with the caciocavallo set aside and a pinch of salt. Pour the Parmesan to cover and cook au gratin for about 20 minutes in a hot oven until the egg has congealed. It can also be served cold.

Specific materials and equipment used for preparation and conditioning: No specific equipment.

Description of the processing, storage and maturing rooms: Gastronomy workshops and domestic environments.

Elements that prove that the methodologies have been practiced in a homogeneous and second way traditional rules for a period of not less than 25 years: Parmigiana is a common preparation throughout the island and is now widespread in all Italian regions. From "Profumi di Sicilia" by Giuseppe Coria.

Source Pat Cards: Sicily Region 

Card insertion: Ignazio Caloggero

Information contributions: Web, Region of Sicily

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