Palazzo Riccio Baroni of San Gioacchino

Palazzo Riccio Baroni of San Gioacchino

Via Turretta, corner with Corso Vittorio Emanuele. The portal at the entrance, with a round arch, dates back to the sixteenth century and is surmounted by a baroque balcony, full of carvings and shelves with masks.

The sixteenth-century building was enlarged in the eighteenth century probably to a design by Andrea Giganti: the entrance portal on via Turretta still traces the original form, showing a taut and protruding arch ring in Catalan style. The displays of the windows and balconies are imaginative, especially the main one, in which the shelves show a grotesque human face motif, very rare in the Trapani area, probably influenced by the Montorsolian masks present in the entablature of the nearby Jesuit structure of the Collegio church. The compact and austere mass of the building is punctuated by the coaxial fixtures of the four elevations, while the balconies on the first floor, with balustrades with columns and ashlar exhibits, prelude the rich volute shelves of the balconies with goose-breast railings on the second. floor. The narrow space of the courtyard was cleverly solved with the adoption of lowered arches on the first two orders, and round arches in the third. In the key of the central arch of the first order, opposite the entrance, the family coat of arms is visible. The paving of the courtyard is cobbled, while a marble fountain adorns the back wall, on which the staircase leading to the upper floors is articulated on two flights. Tombstones and coats of arms praising the magnificence of the Riccio family are found along the walls of the walkway on the second floor, which houses the noble apartment, today almost completely devoid of friezes and decorations: in fact, the trace of the finely frescoed ceiling by Domenico La has been lost. Bruna, of which several authors mention. A tower at the top seems to be one of the five recurring ones in the coat of arms of the city of Trapani. (Source

Asset bound pursuant to Law 364/1909 (Notifications of 16.01.1919 and 18.05.1931)


Card insertion: Ignatius Caloggero

Photo: Ignazio Caloggero

Information contributions: Ignazio Caloggero, Web 

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