Palazzo del Seminario of Clerks
Piazza Duomo. The palace is connected to the Cathedral via a passage above the Uzeda Gate. Built on a project by Alonzo di Benedetto after the earthquake of 1693 using pre-existing buildings: the Palazzo della Loggia (XNUMXth century) and the walls of Charles V. The façade is made with ashlar inserts, in white Ispica stone, on a dark plaster made with volcanic sand. Characteristic are the windows of the facade with omega tympanum and the shelves of the balconies on the first floor. The second floor was added in the second half of the XNUMXth century.
Property bound pursuant to Legislative Decree 42/2004 (DDG n. 7710 of 19.10.09)
Card insertion: Ignatius Caloggero
Photo: Ignazio Caloggero
Information contributions: Ignazio Caloggero, Web
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