Museum of Sacred Art
Source: web
The museum is spread over four exhibition sections: the religious rite, plastic art, painting, furniture and ceramic coating.
The first section presents Sacred Vestments and Furnishings, almost entirely located in the great hall. Copes in gold and silk can be admired; different planets; a silver monstrance with the statuette of Saint Catherine at the base, silver chalices, a mother-of-pearl altar cross, very fine stoles and surplice and capes.
Of the plastic art the museum presents the terracotta sculptures of the master Giuseppe Criscione and his sons Alberto and Paola; over thirty “statuettes” of the Ethnographic Nativity of the Iblei in the classic style of Criscione as it is known throughout Europe. The Nativity scene is reconstructed on a model depicting elements of the architectural and environmental heritage of Chiaramonte.
In the pictorial section there are some paintings of S. Montanucci that reproduce the interiors of the Churches of San Giovanni Battista, of the SS. Salvatore, San Vito and the Sanctuary of Gulfi.
It also houses a collection by Giacomo Alessi, a well-known Calatino ceramic craftsman, who has made ceramics a national, European art.
(Source: Municipality of Chiaramonte Gulfi)
Card insertion: Ignazio Caloggero
Information contributions: Web, Region of Sicily
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