Museum of anchovies and marine arts

Museum of anchovies and marine arts

Il Anchovy Museum, a structure created by two entrepreneurs, the brothers Michelangelo and Girolamo Balistreri, that every year it is visited, it must be underlined absolutely, by school groups, university students (including international ones), tourists, authorities and personalities from the world of culture and entertainment. A museum which, thanks to the passion of the owners, welcomes thousands of visitors every year and receives tens of thousands of requests to visit the facility. A success, expanded by the services of numerous national television programs (Blue Line, Clear Variable, Green Line, Geo and Geo, On balance) and international (Japanese broadcaster NKK), which prompted the owners to soon move the museum to larger premises to fulfill the many requests from visitors who want to see the museum.

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Card insertion: Ignazio Caloggero

Information contributions: Web


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