Monte S. Salvatore, Monte Catarineci, Vallone Mandarini, humid environments
Site type: SAC - Special Conservation Area
Code: ITA020004 - Hectares: 5815
The SIC area includes the south-eastern sector of the Madonie, and is entirely included within the regional park of the same name. It falls within the municipal areas of Polizzi Generosa, Castellana Sicula, Petralia Sottana, Castelbuono, Petralia Soprana and Geraci Siculo. It is a vast orographic complex, which to the west culminates in the peaks of M. Scalone (1654 m), M. Pene (1673 m), M. Cavallo (1757 m), MS Salvatore (1912 m), Pizzo dell ' Inferno (1805 m), Pizzo Cerasa (1559 m), Pizzo Canna (1429 m) and Cozzo Luminario (1512 m). Further to the east, it also extends over the relief of Pizzo Catarineci (1660 m), also including the interesting humid environments of Geraci Siculo, among which those of Portella Mandarini and Pietra Giordano must be remembered, even if partially destroyed or partially deteriorated by water abstraction. From a geological point of view, it is mainly made up of Cenozoic rocks, represented by quartziferous sandstones of the Miocene Aquitanian and Numidian Flysch formations consisting of powerful layers of quartzarenites alternating with brown pelites or sometimes silty clays. On the basis of the Rivas-Martinez classification, the bioclimatic characters can refer overall to the mesomediterranean (temperature: 13-16 ° C) and supramediterranean (temperature: 8-13 ° C) thermotypes, with umbrotype varying between the subhumid (rainfall: 600- 1000 mm) and humid (rainfall:> 1000 mm), as you pass from the hilly area to the sub-mountain and mountain fasces. montane meadows, of significant floristic-phytocenotic interest. It is predominantly characterized by the acidophilic series of Holm oak (Teucrio-Querco ilicis sigmetum), of Leptobalana oak (Querco leptobalanae sigmetum), of Oak (Ilici-Querco petraeae sigmetum), of Beech (Luzulo-Fago sylvaticae sigmetum) and of Abies nebrodensis (Junipero-Abieto nebrodensis sigmetm), as well as various other profile microgeosigmete. However, the same forest series are partly represented by secondary aspects, as a result of a territorial use that in the past was mainly oriented towards forestry and zootechnical activity.
It is a vast area within which all the high altitude acidophilic plant formations of the Madonie fall (beech, oak, hemispherical thorny shrub vegetation, etc.), in addition to the interesting humid environments of Geraci Siculo and Bosco Pomieri. The area therefore denotes an elevated fauna, due to the presence of a rich zoocoenosis including rare and / or threatened species, as well as naturalistic and environmental. In this area there are numerous ecological niches that are exclusive, rare or of significant phytogeographic interest
It falls within the Madonie Park
Ministerial data: Ministerial Map Natura 2000 form
Card insertion: Ignazio Caloggero
Photo: web
Information contributions: Ignazio Caloggero, Region of Sicily
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