Monte d'Indisi, Mountain of Horses, Pizzo Pontorno and Pian del Leone (ITA020031)
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Monte d'Indisi, Mountain of Horses, Pizzo Pontorno and Pian del Leone (ITA020031)

Site type: SAC Special Conservation Area

Code: ITA020031 - Hectares: 2432


The SIC area is located in the orographic complex of the Sicani Mountains, where it covers a total area of ​​about 2344 hectares, involving the municipalities of Prizzi, Palazzo Adriano, Castronovo di Sicilia (province of Palermo), as well as those of S Stefano Quisquina and Bivona (province of Agrigento). It includes the reliefs of Monte dei Cavalli (1007 m), M. D'Indisi (1127 m), Cozzo Podorno (1021 m), Cozzo Potorno (1006 m), Cozzo Paletto (1059 m), Cozzo Batocchio (1009 m) , Monte Scuro and Pizzo Catera (1192 m). The section of the Sosio between the Pian del Leone dam and the Ponte Sosio along the 118 between Prizzi and Palazzo Adriano also falls in the same area. carbonatic and silico-carbonatic of the Sicane Units. From the bioclimatic point of view, the territory falls within the mesomediterranean belt (average annual temperature of 16-13 ° C), with shadow types varying between the lower and upper subhumid (average annual rainfall of 600-1000 mm). The high environmental heterogeneity diversifies a very articulated and varied vegetal landscape, largely due to the following sigmeti: - Sicilian coastal-hilly series, basifile, on limestone, thermo-Mediterranean subhumid of the Holm oak (Aceri campestris-Querco ilicis sigmetum); - Tyrrhenian hill-montana, mesophytic and neutral-basifilous series, on calcic brown, sub-humid mesomediterranean soils of chestnut oak (Sorbo torminalis-Querco virgilianae sigmetum); - Sicilian coastal-submontane, edapho-hygrophilous, thermo-mesomediterranean subhumid series of the Pedicellated Willow (Ulmo-Salico pedicellatae sigmetum). debris, etc ..

It is an area of ​​significant naturalistic-environmental and landscape value, as well as fauna (with various species of rare and / threatened vertebrates). The wooded area of ​​Monte Scuro and the river section of the Sosio are particularly interesting. In section 3.3, indicated with the letter D, plant species are listed whose presence in the territory is considered to be of significant phytogeographic interest

Source: Ministry of the Environment Natura 2000 form

Ministerial data: Natura 2000 form

Card insertion: Ignazio Caloggero

Photo: web

Information contributions: Ignazio Caloggero, Region of Sicily

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