Monte Chibbò - Contrada Balata

Monte Chibbò - Contrada Balata

The affected area, a natural extension of the built-up area, develops on land occupied mainly by rocky outcrops, especially along the NW escarpment. Almost all the graves identified have been violated; in most cases they are pit tombs, dug into the limestone rock. The roof consisted of stone slabs resting on a recess obtained on the upper edge of the pit; other types of burials must have persisted in the spaces of land left free by the rocky outcrops, as can be deduced from a few fragments of solenes scattered on the surface. Few traces remain of a monumental tomb, which originally occupied a rectangular space delimited by a row of aligned stones. Interesting is the so-called Tomb 1, a pit dug into the rock. A deposition was also part of the burial
within a bronze basin. Among the elements of the kit there is a bronze basin with a pearly edge in hammered bronze sheet. The material recovered inside the monumental tomb bounded by stones includes fragments of craters, oinochoai, paterae and bowls with decorations common to the indigenous pottery repertoire. The tomb can be dated to around the middle of the XNUMXth century. B.C
Greek period (last decades XNUMXth - early XNUMXth century BC) 

Text source: Archaeological report 380KV double three-phase power line - Chiaramonte Gulfi - Ciminna (

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PRESS: Well cataloged but partially geolocated. We invite you to provide your contribution by providing us with useful information that will allow us to geolocate the listed asset. See also "Cultural Heritage to be Geolocated"

In-depth document: Himera Greek City, guide to the history and monuments of Stefano Vassallo, Superintendence of Cultural and Environmental Heritage, Archaeological Heritage Service_ Palermo 2005: Download file: Himera_Greek_City_2005

Card insertion: Ignazio Caloggero


Information contributions: Archaeological report 380KV double three-phase power line - Chiaramonte Gulfi - Ciminna / Ignazio Caloggero / Web

Note: The populating of the files of the Heritage database proceeds in incremental phases: cataloging, georeferencing, insertion of information and images. The cultural property in question has been cataloged, georeferenced and the first information entered. In order to enrich the information content, further contributions are welcome, if you wish you can contribute through our area "Your Contributions"

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