Location Recactive

Location Recactive 

The discovery area is located near the intersection between the local road coming from the Recactive building and the state road 121. The flat land has a slight slope towards the NE, which is accentuated in the direction of Recactive, giving rise to a sort of basin. The collected material documents a long frequentation of the site: there are numerous fragments of achromatic ceramic, especially of large vessels, very common those engobed in white and "corrugated" ceramic, as well as fragments of clear sealed A and D. The ceramic indicates a frequentation of the place in Roman and early medieval times. The period of greatest occupation could correspond to that documented in the Cozzo delle Graste farm, in the Orto dello Scorsone locality, between the 121rd and XNUMXth centuries. AD The state road XNUMX certainly resumes a natural road which in this area should not detach itself very much from an ancient route, being immediately to the S of the Portella di Recactive, an obligatory passage for the viability of the area. The ancient path, which continued towards the S from the door, had to wind halfway up the coast along the eastern side of the Serra di Recactive, following the slopes and recesses of the reliefs. At this point, perhaps two other secondary routes connected: in the first, towards the SW, it seems to be able to indicate a possible way to reach the ancient town of Monte Chibbò, the second, in the north-east direction, descended towards Recactive, following approximately the current local road and continued towards the Orto dello Scorsone district.
Late Imperial Roman period

Text source: Archaeological report 380KV double three-phase power line - Chiaramonte Gulfi - Ciminna (https://va.minambiente.it/File/Documento/62560)

other documents: https://va.minambiente.it/it-IT/Oggetti/Documentazione/1016/1303?pagina=10


PRESS: Well cataloged but partially geolocated. We invite you to provide your contribution by providing us with useful information that will allow us to geolocate the listed asset. See also "Cultural Heritage to be Geolocated"

In-depth document: Himera Greek City, guide to the history and monuments of Stefano Vassallo, Superintendence of Cultural and Environmental Heritage, Archaeological Heritage Service_ Palermo 2005: Download file: Himera_Greek_City_2005

Card insertion: Ignazio Caloggero


Information contributions: Archaeological report 380KV double three-phase power line - Chiaramonte Gulfi - Ciminna / Ignazio Caloggero / Web

Note: The populating of the files of the Heritage database proceeds in incremental phases: cataloging, georeferencing, insertion of information and images. The cultural property in question has been cataloged, georeferenced and the first information entered. In order to enrich the information content, further contributions are welcome, if you wish you can contribute through our area "Your Contributions"

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