The places of the literary tale of Pindaro (Agrigento)

The places of the literary tale of Pindaro (Agrigento)

I Places of the literary tale of Pindaro  they are included in the "Regional Map of Places of Identity and Memory" (LIM) established by the Sicily Region with DA n. 8410 of 03/12/2009

The reference sector is that relating to "places of the literary, cinematographic and filmic story ".

The places of the literary tale of Pindaro included in the IWB: 

  • (Olympic 2, 8-15) Akragas River, today's San Biagio (Agrigento)
  • (Pytica 6, 6) Agrigento
  • (Pytica 12, 1-3) Agrigento
  • (Olimpica 5, 11-12) Camarina (province of Ragusa)
  • (Nemea 1, 1-4) Island of Ortigia (Syracuse)
  • (Pitica 2, 7) Ortigia Island (Syracuse)
  • (Pitica 2, 1-2) Syracuse
  • (Pitica 3, 69) Fonte Aretusa (Syracuse)
  • (Nemea 9, 40) Eloro River (from Syracuse)
  • (Olympic 4, 6-7) Etna volcano (province of Catania)
  • (Nemea 1, 1-20) Etna volcano (province of Catania)
  • (Pitica 1, 13-28 30 61-65) Etna Volcano (province of Catania)
  • (Pitica 1, 67) Amenano River (province of Catania)
  • (Pitica 1, 75-80) River Imera (prov. Palermo)

In particular for Agrigento: 

Even those not mentioned by the LIM register have been included among the odes of Pindaro

Card insertion: Ignatius Caloggero

Photo: Ignazio Caloggero

Information contributions: Ignazio Caloggero, Web 

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