The places of the film story: The sweet and the bitter (2007) - Charleston Bathing Establishment
The places of the film story: The sweet and the bitter (2007) are included in the "Regional Map of Places of Identity and Memory" (LIM) established by the Region of Sicily with the DA n. 8410 of 03/12/2009
The reference sector is that relating to the “Places of islands and volcanoes in the cinematographic story"-" "The sweet and the bitter", 2007, directed by Andrea Porporati "
The places included in the IWB:
- Baglio Fico (Alcamo),
- Buseto Palizzolo
- Castelluzzo (San Vito Lo Capo)
- Charleston Beach Resort (Palermo)
The sweet and the bitter is a 2007 Italian film directed by Andrea Porporati, presented in competition at the 64th Venice Film Festival.
Saro is the son of a Sicilian delinquent who died during the occupation in the prison where he was serving his sentence. However, his father was highly respected in the peasant environment, and his Godfather, an old dear friend, initiates his young son Rosario to the Mafia life, giving him several "jobs" to complete.
Saro reveals himself awake, and this means that in no time at all he is able to climb the top of the hierachic pyramid of the Cosa Nostra, becoming a "man of honor". But the intrigue of the activities carried out by the criminal association backfires, when he has earned the jealousy of Mimmo, son of the Godfather of Saro, he finds himself involved in a crime that leads him to become uncomfortable for the clan, a "dead who walks ”, as he defines himself in the film.
He therefore flees to the North, under the protection of the law, rebuilding a life elsewhere.
Card insertion: Ignatius Caloggero
Photo: web
Information contributions: Ignazio Caloggero, Web
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