Church of San Sebastiano - Palazzolo Acreide

Church of San Sebastiano - Palazzolo Acreide

San Sebastiano San Sebastiano San Sebastiano

The Church of S. Sebastiano has a spectacular staircase and, with its elegantly worked façade, overlooks the Piazza del Popolo imposingly. The first building consecrated to S. Sebastiano was erected, with a single nave, at the end of the 1609th century on the same site where a small church dedicated to S. Rocco already existed; enlarged in 1693, it was almost completely destroyed by the earthquake of 35. The Church rose from the rubble of the earthquake at the beginning of the eighteenth century, always on the same site but with a basilica with three naves. The building has a monumental facade 1783 meters high and made with Hyblean freestone; conceived by the Syracusan architect Mario Diamante, it is divided into three superimposed orders decorated according to the late Renaissance style; it has a fine portal and a beautiful bell loggia. The interior, richly worked with valuable stuccos dating back to XNUMX, houses and houses numerous paintings including that of S. Rita by Pietro Novelli, that of S. Margherita da Cortona by Vito D'Anna and that of S. Luigi Gonzaga by Giovanni Tanasi. All the altars are made with precious marbles and with beautiful statues of saints. The central nave is decorated with three large nineteenth-century frescoes; to remember also a monumental organ of the nineteenth century, built by Carlo Del Piano, which appears to be among the most beautiful in Sicily.

Card insertion: Ignatius Caloggero

Photo: Ignazio Caloggero

Information contributions: Ignazio Caloggero, Web 

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