Church of S. Maria dell'Arco

Church of S. Maria dell'Arco

church of santa maria dell'arcoIn via Vicerè Speciale at the corner with via Ducezio. The construction of the church, based on a project by Rosario Gagliardi, dates back to the first half of the eighteenth century. The façade is characterized by the portal, whose tympanum with a broken arch is supported by two twisted columns, resting on high lily pedestals and surmounted by the Cistercian coat of arms and a decorated window. Inside, the church has a single nave, the paintings on the vault are by Carasi (1757), while on the wall of the apse there is the canvas “S. Simeone gives Jesus to the Madonna ”by Antonio Manno (1797).

Card insertion: Ignatius Caloggero

Photo: Ignazio Caloggero

Information contributions: Ignazio Caloggero, Web 

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