Church of S. Maria dei Miracoli

Former Church of S. Maria dei Miracoli (of the Child)

The church, deconsecrated for some time, is located in Ibla, it can be reached along the Via G. Ottaviano (the ring road of Ibla). The Church, leaning against the projection of the rocky ridge of the Cava Gonfalone, was probably built in the first half of the seventeenth century; from notarial documents cited by Sortino Trono, the Church certainly existed in 600 [1656]. Tradition has it that the church was built on the same place where an image of Maria SS. With the Child in her arms; in fact the Church is also known as the Church of Santa Maria del Bambino or, more simply, "della Bammina"

In an anonymous manuscript of the 600th century the Church is indicated as “circular with three doors similar to marble, well sculpted” [2]. Another author of the past, Sortino Trono, in his book "Ragusa Ibla Sacra" published in 1928, limits himself to writing:

 “Nothing remarkable, except a little of the hexagonal shape. It can be said today that it is almost closed to worship, having been used, for a longer time, as a mortuary storage room ".

 The structure is actually octagonal and not hexagonal; the unflattering judgment of the Sortino Trono is perhaps partly due to the fact that in the first decades of the twentieth century, the period in which the book was published, the revaluation of Sicilian Baroque had not yet made its effects felt. Today the Church with its octagonal plan and the three finely carved portals is considered as a testimony of a Baroque with characteristics not typical of the Hyblaean Baroque.

[1] Eugenio Sortino Throne: Ragusa Ibla Sacra

[2] Francesco Garofalo: An anonymous manuscript on Ragusa in the seventeenth century.

Well bound: 

DDG n. 6197 of 04.07.01


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