Church of S. Francesco di Paola

Church of S. Francesco di Paola

Located in the “Civita”, one of the oldest districts of the city, inhabited mostly by seafarers, the church was built, according to tradition, on an older temple dedicated, it seems, to S. Onofrio. In the 1693th century it passed to the Minimi fathers who built their convent next to it and dedicated the church to their founder. Destroyed by the earthquake of 1866 and then rebuilt, it was ruled by the Minimi fathers until 1894, when the ecclesiastical assets were confiscated by the Italian state. Subsequently the church returned to the diocese while the convent was transformed into a barracks. In XNUMX a fire caused serious damage to the church, which during the twentieth century received several restorations.

Well bound pursuant to Legislative Decree 42/2004 as a "valuable example of late Baroque architecture in the interiors and neoclassical architecture in the façade"

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DDG n. 2247 of 20.05.2019


Card insertion: Ignatius Caloggero

Photo: Google

Information contributions: Ignazio Caloggero, Web 

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