The places of Virgil's literary tale
Well included in the IWB register of the Sicily Region (The Places of the literary, cinematographic, television story) - Sector "The Places of Virgil's literary story
Dido receiving Aeneas and Cupid disguised as Ascanius 1710 Francesco Solimena (Source: Wikipedia)
The places of the literary, television and filmic narrative are the physical spaces described in the literary pages or which, being film or television set scenarios, have promoted the cultural identity of Sicilian landscapes.
THEAeneid is an epic poem written by the Latin poet Publio Virgilio Marone between 29 BC and 19 BC, which tells the legendary story of the Trojan hero Aeneas who managed to escape after the fall of the city of Troy, and who traveled the Mediterranean up to land in Lazio, becoming the progenitor of the Roman people.
This is the list of places entered in the LIM register:
(Aeneid book III)
- Gulf of Trapani (Trapani);
- Temple of Venus (Erice, Trapani)
(Aeneid book V)
- Scilla and Cariddi (Strait of Messina);
- Etna Volcano (province of Catania);
- Archipelago of the Cyclops (Aci Trezza, Catania);
- Mouth of the Pantagia stream today Porcaria (Augusta, Syracuse);
- Gulf of Megara Iblea (province of Syracuse);
- Peninsula of Tapso today Magnisi (province of Syracuse);
- Island of Ortigia (Syracuse);
- Eloro River (province of Syracuse);
- Capo Passero (Pachino, Syracuse);
- Swamp of Camarina (province of Ragusa);
- Gela (province of Caltanissetta);
- Selinunte (province of Trapani);
- Stele of Anchises (Erice, Trapani)
(Aeneid book VIII)
- Vulcano Island (province of Messina)