Curriculum Vitae "Standard" (Partial update March 2021)
This is the "standard" curriculum that usually appears if you want to read a curriculum outside the box, go to that "not standard"
Name: Caloggero Ignazio.
Working experience:
1976-1982: Italian Navy
As a non-commissioned officer of the Italian Navy, he worked as an electromechanical and technician in charge of electronic equipment for the direction of shooting on the ships of the Navy. (Calculator and Radar for shooting operations) After the course carried out at the AERONAVAL TRAINING CENTER OF THE NAVY, "Management of a shooting center", I worked as central head for shooting activities (head of human resources , equipment and activities related to shooting operations).
May 1991 - April 1992: Fondiaria Assicurazioni - Florence
Analyst programmer at the CED of Fondiaria di Firenze, working on IBM mainframe, MVS operating system, mainly using COBOL and SQL languages in DL / I, CICS AND DB2 environments
April 27, 1991 - October 1995: SYSDATA ITALIA SpA, software company of the DATAMAT group
On 27 April 1992, hiring by SYSDATA ITALIA SpA, a software company of the DATAMAT group. Within this company I have participated in various projects relating to both management problems, concerning the design and implementation of Information Systems, and of a scientific nature.
Period May-December 1992, responsible for a software submodule for the management of algorithmic functions in the project of the first European military satellite HELIOS. As part of the same project, I was also interested in issues related to the management of satellite images and software quality control. (The satellite was launched on July 7, 1995 from the Kourou base in French Guayana)
Significant management software applications: design and development of the “BDEC” IT System (DATABASE FOR THE YARD OPERATION). IT system for the automatic management of information generated and collected during work in drilling yards for the extraction of steam for the operation of ENEL's geothermal power plants.
Reverse Engineering and Reingineering activities on a subsystem of an ENEL IT system (for the Deputy Department of Thermoelectric Production and Geothermal Activities).
For the Ministry of the Interior I participated, as project leader DATAMAT, in the development and implementation of the procedure "ITER MANAGEMENT OF PRACTICES". This procedure is part of the “Automation of Prefectures” project and was installed in the Prefecture of Pisa which was the pilot site for the entire project. The activity was carried out on behalf of TELECOM ITALIA while the Ministry of the Interior represented the final customer in this operation.
In the period from 1993 to the date of my resignation (October 1995) I carried out the activity of Program Manager with the task of project manager including the marketing aspect of the products of the DATAMAT group
February 1995, organization and management, on behalf of Datamat, a course in Software Engineering and Database Theory at the Maridipart Information Center in La Spezia (Navy). The organization of the course consisted in preparing the study plan, writing the lecture notes and carrying out, as a teacher, the course for the civil and military personnel of the Maridipart IT center.
March 1995 organization and management of a DataBase Administrator course for Maridipart of La Spezia.
March-October 1995, on behalf of Sysdata, organizational manager for the management of training courses.
November 95 to Today: Freelance - Helios Study Center
Main duties and responsibilities performed since November 1995:
Main duties and responsibilities carried out since November 1995 in the various sectors:
To simplify, I have divided the experiences into areas.
- Associations and Social Area
- Publications and Projects
- Training Area
- Quality and Evaluation Sector
- Public Administration Area.
Associations and Social Area
From 1998 to 2002 and from 2010 to date, member of the Board of Directors of the "Feliciano Rossitto" Study Center, a cultural association with legal personality recognized at a regional level (DPRS of 6/11/1989) and at a national level (DM of 9/12/1997). 2006). I have held this role again since 2023. Since XNUMX I have also held the role of Vice President,
From 2003 to today a member of the Ragusa Host Lions Club, over the years I have held various positions, ITO (IT Officer), Treasurer, Master of Ceremonies, President - 2021-202).
Other Assignments (108Yb District)
- fiscal year 2016/2017, District Deputy Secretary
- social year 2017/2018 and 2018-2019, District delegate to the district website, delegate for videoconferencing and social media.
- social year 2019-2020 District Secretary.
- social year 2020-2021 Vice-president Club Lions Ragusa Host
- social year 2021-2022 President of the Lions Club Ragusa Host
- social year 2022-2023 Delegate to the District Service “Sicily for the blind. We make cultural and environmental heritage usable"
- social year 2023-2024 Delegate to the District Service “Popular Myths and Traditions. Knowledge and Opportunities”
Since 2018 President of the Italian Association of Tourism Professionals and Cultural Operators (AIPTOC). Association established pursuant to law 4/2013 and included in the list of professional associations that issue the certificate of quality and professional qualification of services, of the Ministry of Economic Development (MISE). The Association, recognized by the MISE in May 2019, is present with its members throughout the national territory and is booming. Institutional site
From 2021:
- Component of the technical body GL22 (Tourism) UNI - Italian Standardization Body
- Executive Member of the Unesco Club Ragusa
- Provincial President of the Academy of Sicily
- Provincial contact person FLAI - FIJET - Association of Journalists and Writers of Tourism
From 2022:
- President of the Sicili Association Ancient seat of Ragusa
Publications, Projects and scientific studies
An article of mine on Quality in the health sector was published in the weekly “IL WEEKLY: Sicily Entrepreneurial” (second week of December 1996).
Other articles relating to quality and Cultural Heritage have been published by me in the magazine "PAGINE DAL SUD" published by the Rossitto Study Center in Ragusa since 1997.
From 2000 to 2008 member of the editorial board of the magazine “Pagine del Sud.
From 1996 to today I have written dozens of articles on Cultural Heritage for the same magazine.
Publication with ISBN:
- 2022 Sicily Unveiled: Before the Greeks ISBN: 9788832060188
- 2022 Myths of Ancient Sicily ISBN: 9788832060157
- 2022 Cults of Ancient Sicily ISBN: 9788832060102
- 2022 Mascheroni and Faces of Sicily ISBN: 9788832060119
- 2022 The Baroque of the Val di Noto in the UNESCO World Heritage ISBN: 9788832060140
- 2022 Experiential Pathways and Cultural Heritage Interpretation Vol. 1: Origins and Theoretical Principles ISBN: 9788832060218
- 2022 Tourism, Art and Cultural Heritage: Professional Profiles and New Skills Framework ISBN: 9788832060171
- 2020. Tourism, Arts and Entertainment Competence Framework: “Tourism, Arts and Entertainment Competence Framework (TAECF)”. ISBN: 9788832060058.
- 2020. Cults of Ancient Sicily (2020 Edition): ISBN: 9788832060089
- 2019. Baroque of the Val di Noto – Vol. 4: Catania. ISBN: 9788832060027
- 2018. Cults Myths and Legends of Ancient Sicily ISBN: 9788894321913
- 2018. Sicily between History, Myths and Legends - Vol. 1: From Prehistory to the Phoenicians. ISBN: 9788894321951
- 2018. Baroque of the Val di Noto – Vol. 1: Baroque Heritage of Humanity. ISBN: ISBN: 9788894321920
- 2018. Baroque of the Val di Noto – Vol. 2: Ragusa. ISBN: 9788894321937
- 2018. Baroque of the Val di Noto – Vol. 3: Modica and Scicli. ISBN: 9788894321944
- 2018 Details of Sicily. ISBN: 9788832060003
- 2017-2020. Quality, Operating Models and Competitiveness of the Tourist Offer. ISBN: 9788894321906, 9788832060065
For a description of the individual publications and their updates, see the web page:
Scientific and cultural projects:
1) Tourism, Arts and Cultural Heritage Competence Framework: "Tourism, Arts and Heritage Competence Framework (TAH-CF)"
The project aims to define a Competence Framework for Tourism, the Arts and Cultural Heritage, in line and in compliance with the European Qualification Framework (EQF), the Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council 2009/C 155/ 02 (European credit system for vocational education and training -ECVET), and at sAPNR chema (Unregulated Professional Activities) adopted by UNI for the technical standardization of unregulated professions.
Reference link:
2) Establishment of new Models for Measuring the Competitiveness of Offers
The methodology proposed for the identification of quality factors, indicators and standards is a reworking of the principles set out in the Quality Management sector, in particular by the proposals of Zeithamal, Parassuraman and Berry (1991) integrated with the factors recommended by the CiVIT guidelines (88/2010 and 3/2012), by a reworking of the general reference scheme of the charter of public health services (DPCM 19 May 1995), by the Quality Management model called "of the 4Qs" and by the Integrated Model of the Competitiveness of the Tourist Offer (MICOT) in turn, a re-elaboration of previous theoretical models of the tourism sector proposed in the past (Campbell, 1967; Thurot, 1973; Plog, 1974; Miossec, 1977; Buttler, 1980) and of some models of competitiveness of tourist destinations (Ritchie and Crouch 1993- 2003; Dwyer and Kim, 2003), of the Tourism and Travel Competitiveness Index (TTCI).
Reference link:
3) Activation of Quality Improvement projects
Activation of the TAEQI (Tourism, Arts and Entertainment Quality Improvement) project aims at improving the quality in the Tourism, Artistic and Entertainment sectors, through the identification of sectorial quality factors, indicators and standards and related brands or quality certification.
Reference link:
4) Heritage archive
Creation of the first "GeoSocial" Cultural Archive, multi-thematic and territorial, containing the assets of the Material and Intangible Cultural Heritage of Sicily and Malta. Currently there are over 12.000 cataloged assets.
Reference link:
The map is substantially a geo-referenced, multi-thematic and muti-territorial archive which currently includes around 4.000 cataloged and geo-referenced archaeological sites.
Reference link:
6) Ancient Paths and Historical Itineraries of Sicily
The project "Ancient Paths and Historical Itineraries of Sicily" has a twofold objective:
- Identify and catalog the ancient paths and historical itineraries of Sicily so that they can be of support for those who want to identify hiking, experiential and eco-museum itineraries and routes as faithful as possible to the ancient paths
- Creation of the Charter of Hiking, Experiential and Ecomuseum Itineraries, associated with the Historical Routes (Multimedia Map of the "CMIE" Experiential Itineraries)
Reference link:
7) Experiential Tourism and Interpretation of Cultural Heritage
The project was born as a response to the ongoing Experiential Transition and has the following objectives:
- Promote and enhance the Experiential and Quality Culture and facilitate the transition of companies and society towards an experiential economy (Experiential Transition)
- Promote and enhance experiential skills in the tourism, cultural, entertainment and commercial fields
- Promote innovative tools for the promotion, enhancement and protection of cultural heritage
Various initiatives have been implemented to achieve these objectives. Referral links:
8) Naturalistic and environmental studies
Adventure Tourism - An integrated approach to the classification of hiking trails
Reference link:
Adventure Tourism - Calculation of travel times for hiking trails: The Brazilian method
Reference link:
Adventure Tourism - Risk Assessment in the field of hiking: Three Matrices Method
Reference link:
Other territorial promotion activities.
June 2006: I organized on behalf of the Centro Studi Helios the first edition of the "Multimedia Week of the Baroque" held in Ragusa Ibla - at Palazzo Cosentini from 3 to 9 June 2006 which saw some initiatives including an exhibition of traditional and multimedia art , a national painting competition themed "Baroque Harmonies" and an interesting conference "The Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Baroque Architecture and the recovery of Historic Centers"
2006: release of the first CD of the series "Sicilia Patrimonio Unesco" entitled "The Baroque Palaces of Ragusa"
August 2007: realization of the following multimedia products:
DVD - Photographic Sicily: The late Baroque cities of the Val di Noto
DVD - Photographic Sicily: The Province of Ragusa
DVD - “Transmutation” an innovative multimedia product that sees together, recited poems, music and art mixed together
From 2007 to 2018: collaboration with the Ragusani nel Mondo Association for the organization of the cultural event "Ragusani nel Mondo Prize". On these occasions I played the role of stage manager and the Helios Study Center directed by me, made videos of promotion of the territory broadcast within the event and provided the images relating to the promotion of the Sicilian territory that served as a contour to some of the manifestations.
August 2008: Collaboration with the Soprintentenza di Ragusa for the organization of the exhibition "Hyblaeus Thesaurus: Glories, wrecks and precious memories " which saw 11 rooms of the Donnafugata Castle hosting archaeological finds and works of art from various municipalities in the province of Ragusa. Within the event I set up a multimedia projection room of the heritage of the province of Ragusa.
August 2008 and August 2009: Canicattini Bagni, within the XIV and XV editions of the "Sergio Amato" International Jazz Festival, realization of multimedia exhibitions on the landscape and architectural heritage of the Hyblean territory.
2013: Concept, Design and Organization of the first edition of Heritage Sicilia Festival
2014: Concept, Design and Organization of the second edition of the second Edition of Heritage Sicilia Festival
2019: National Liolà Award XX edition (for tourism, social and cultural activities) issued on 18 September 2019 by the Accademia di Sicilia Association
Training Area.
On several occasions I have carried out design and teaching activities in computer courses for various local training bodies (CNOS, SOFTWARE PROJECT, ECIPA, CE.ME.SFO).
In 1996 I worked as a teacher in a post-diploma course at the F. Besta Institute in Ragusa where I carried out a program entitled “Quality: Concepts and methods”.
I designed and implemented some basic computerization courses on behalf of the ECIPA of Ragusa and on behalf of the Provincial College of Nurses of Ragusa; for the same college I organized and managed a training course on the topic "Quality in the health sector" held at the Falcone-Borsellino Room in June 1997.
In the period May-June 1998 I worked as a teacher for the training course "Management for the Artisan company - Business management -" held in Ragusa.
In the period October-November 1998 I worked as a teacher on behalf of the NATIONAL ECIPA for the training course "QUALITY ENVIRONMENT AND SAFETY" held at the provincial CNA of Catania and directed to the staff of the CNA of Eastern Sicily.
In the period March-May 99 I organized and held as a teacher, on behalf of ECIPA Ragusa, a 60-hour course which had as its objective the dissemination of quality in the construction and plant engineering sector.
In November 1999 (from 5th to 25th) I directed a training seminar organized together with the Rossitto Study Center in Ragusa regarding the application of quality concepts in the Public Administration with particular reference to the School sector.
In the period June-July 2000 I organized and held as a teacher, on behalf of ECIPA Ragusa, a course lasting 40 hours which had as its objective the dissemination of quality in the construction sector.
In the period May-September 2000 I carried out teaching activities relating to two courses of "COMPUTER AND TELEMATICS" on behalf of the Building Entrepreneurs Association at the Cassa Edile di Ragusa (period) for a total of 100 hours.
In the period June-September 2000 I carried out a 40-hour module entitled "Organization and Management" within the course of "Junior Expert in Building Recovery" carried out on behalf of the CE.ME.SFO body in Ragusa.
From 2002 to 2005 in charge of the Helios Study Center of the AICA Test Center, in that period I also worked as an examiner in the exams for the European Computer Driving License
Since 2002 he has been responsible for the design and implementation team of the e-learning platform of the Centro Studi Helios called CshFad.
I collaborated with the provincial CIPAAT of Ragusa and the Municipality of Vittoria as regards the organizational and teaching aspects, on the MISFA project "FOR THE CREATION OF AN INTEGRATED MODEL OF AGRI-FOOD CHAIN DEVELOPMENT" - POP Sicily 940020 / I / 1 for "Quality Technicians" course of 950 hours, 800 of which are internships.
Responsible for the guidance and accompaniment actions for the creation of a business for the students participating in the project "Expert in quality agro-zootechnical production" Measure 3.2.1 AXIS III "Training for research". Project N. 999 / IT.16.1.PO.011 / 3.13 / 7.2.4 / 001 (Participating students N. 18 unemployed women)
In 2003 TEACHING in courses concerning the agricultural sector organized by the CIPAAT of Ragusa:
teaching relating to the "Quality" module of the professional training course for "HACCP" N. 1999.IT.16.1.PO.O11 / 4.08 / 2.19.9 / 00097 of Ragusa.
teaching relating to the "Quality" module of the professional training course for "Agricultural Entrepreneur" N. 1999.IT.16.1.PO.O11 / 4.08 / 2.19.9 / 00099 of Modica
teaching relating to the "Quality" module of the professional training course for "Agricultural Entrepreneur" N. 1999.IT.16.1.PO.O11 / 4.08 / 2.19.9 / 00098 of Ragusa.
teaching relating to the "Quality" module of the professional training course for "Agricultural Entrepreneur" N. 1999.IT.16.1.PO.O11 / 4.08 / 2.19.9 / 00100 of Santa Croce
Designer and trainer in training events concerning Distance Learning. A training event entitled "Distance learning in the health sector" was accredited by the National Commission for Continuing Medical Education "of the Ministry of Health.
Responsible for the design and management on behalf of the Helios Study Center of the following training projects:
Project n ° 1999 / IT.16.1.PO.011 / 2.04 / 7.2.4 / 114 measure 3.17 Title "Expert for the multimedia promotion of cultural assets and activities". The project, active from 31/10/2005 to 31/12/2006, sees the Centro Studi Helios as leader.
4 courses of Head of the Company (Ragusa, Ispica, Mazzarrone, Santa Caterina Villarmosa) authorized by the Agriculture and Forestry Department. These courses were provided in the 2005/2006 period.
Project n ° 1999 / IT.16.1.PO.011 / 2.04 / 7.2.4 / 114 measure 3.13 Title "Expert in systems integration and control of agri-food processes". The project, developed by the Helios Study Center, was active from 31/10/2005 to 31/02/2007. The Helios Study Center, in ATS with the CIPAAT (lead partner), has been involved in Research (RIC), Orientation (ORP) and Information, awareness raising and advertising (IN) activities.
Project n ° 1999 / IT.16.1.PO.011 / 2.04 / 7.2.4 / 114 measure 3.20a Title "Expert in internationalization and territorial marketing". The project active from 31/10/2005 to 31/12/2006, saw the Centro Studi Helios, in ATS with the CIPAAT (leader) dealing with the activities of support to the Effectiveness (EM)
Another innovative project that saw me involved on behalf of the Helios Study Center is the one relating to the course of Head of Company with FAD methodology designed and presented by CIPAAT of Ragusa. In this project, the Centro Studi Helios is present, in addition to the design, with the supply of its own CshFad E-Learning platform (of which I am a designer) and with the supply of IT services and collaboration in operational management. The course related to the project was delivered in 2006.
In 2008, design and direction of the following catalog courses funded by the Sicily Region:
Integration of Management Systems for Quality, Environment and Safety (Course code 1045 course hours: 450
Integrated Tourism (Course Code 1047 course 300 hours)
90-hour Agri-food Operator Course funded by the Department of Agriculture (Measure 4.08 POR 2000-2006)
In 2009 design of the following courses in the Catalog included and in the Educational Offer Catalog of the Sicilian Region:
Section B (workers :): Prevention and Safety Management in the Company (course code B 3216 64 hours) (coordination activity)
Section B (workers :): Company Quality Manager (course code B 3005 hours 100) (teaching activities on quality and safety)
From November 2009 to November 2010 planning and participation as a teacher in the 6 catalog courses (Section D - Vocational apprenticeship), activated by the Helios Study Center:
- 240-hour "HAIRDRESSERS" course (course code D7215)
- 240-hour course "POINT OF SALE OPERATOR" - OFFICE IN RAGUSA (course code D7158)
- 240-hour course "POINT OF SALE OPERATOR" - AGRIGENTO OFFICE (course code D7158)
- 240-hour course "AESTHETIC CARE OPERATOR" (course code D7213)
- 240-hour "RESTAURANT OPERATOR" course (course code D7220)
- 240-hour "PASTRY PRODUCTION OPERATOR" course (course code D7217)
These courses were funded and activated also in 2012, 2013 and 2014, the latter was completed in April 2015.
In these courses I have taught over 800 hours of which over 200 hours only on safety in the workplace.
In 2011, the Project N. 2007.IT.051.PO.003/IV/E/F/9.2.1FP/0069, conceived and coordinated by me, was activated, entitled "ANTICHI MESTIERI IBLEI" Ragusa Headquarters - financed under the 'Notice 6 of 26/05/2009 of the POR FSE Sicily - Axis II - Employability -. of 1480 hours.
Since 2009 it has activated catalogs of online courses in various sectors: (Apprenticeship, courses for workers, vocational courses, for company tutors, etc.)
In 2013 an FAD Company Manager course was activated for 200 students lasting 200 hours in FAD mode. The course was designed by me.
Design of the ECM courses of the Helios Study Center
Type of residential training: over 30 training events and 150 editions for a total of about 2.000 hours of training provided since 2002
Type of FAD training: starting from 2010 over 50 ECM-accredited FAD events which saw the Helios Study Center provide about 50.000 hours of individual training to students scattered in almost all the Regions of Italy.
Design of the FAD and residential courses of the Centro Studi Helios divided into
- Courses for Apprentices (about 60 courses of 20 hours each on average)
- Courses for Nutritionists (basic courses - 12 hours - and refresher courses - 6 hours) authorized by the Region of Sicily
- Safety courses (RSPP 40, 60 and 100 external update - authorized by the Sicily Region)
- Courses in the field of Cultural Heritage
- Vocational courses of various kinds
Thanks to the courses I designed, the Helios Study Center has provided remote training for over 700.000 hours to over 5.000 users throughout Italy. The courses were provided to private individuals, public bodies and companies of a regional, national and international character, the list of these companies and public bodies is very extensive, just by way of example.
Public companies: Experimental prophylactic zoo institutes of Sicily, Umbria and Marche, Lazio and Tuscany, Valle D'Aosta; Air Force, US Naval Hopsital Sigonella, Terrestrial Operational Forces Command, Italian Navy (Military Navy School Command), Many Italian Hospitals, etc;
Private companies: Gruppo Limoni and La Gardenia, Teddy Spa, Indesit, Bayker, AuBai Italia, Irritec, Inalca, Bingo, Ergon, etc;
please refer to the link of the Centro Studi Helios website to view the list:
Attached is a non-exhaustive list of the courses designed by me where it is also indicated in which I was also a teacher and / or I proceeded to create the teaching notes.
Attachment : List of courses designed with teaching and / or preparation of handouts
The list shows how he designed courses for approximately 17.000 hours of training, of which over 10676 in E-Learning mode and over 6200 hours in residential mode and carried out approximately 10.000 teaching hours, of which over 2.200 hours in the classroom and the rest in FAD mode. Of all the hours of which I have taught, I myself have proceeded to elaborate the handouts.
Accreditations by the Helios Study Center
Head of Accreditations of the Helios Study Center below is the list of accreditations obtained by the Helios Study Center and managed by the undersigned:
On 22/04/2010 the Helios Study Center is (the only one in the whole south) among the top 40 Providers who have obtained national accreditation from the National Commission for Continuing Education (ministerial number assigned 69).
With D.DG n. 3162 of the Regional Health Department of the Sicilian Region of 24/12/2010, was accredited and included in the single regional register of public and private bodies accredited to carry out training activities for the release of the certificate valid throughout the national territory of qualification of Social Health Operator (OSS)
With provision prot. 16226 of 16/02/2011 of the General Manager of the Regional Department for health activities of the Regional Health Department of the Sicilian Region, to carry out courses for nutritionists in accordance with the council's decree of 19/02/2007 and following. changes and additions. With subsequent provision of the same Department prot. 33775 of 12 April 2011 was authorized to carry out training courses for food addicts in remote mode (FAD) (First Body in Sicily to have obtained this type of authorization)
With provision prot. 0781 of 10/05/2011 of the Department of Education and Vocational Training of the Region of Sicily, to carry out courses for RSPP and ASPP, within these it is authorized to carry out refresher courses, in remote mode (FAD). This authorization was renewed with provision 28822 of 09/05/2013
Accreditation of the Department of Education and Vocational Training of the Region of Sicily for Continuing Education and Professional Training activities with the CIR AH0121 accreditation code (replaced with the AAD072 code based on the new accreditation system).
Implementation of E-Learnig Platforms
Year 2005: design and implementation of the first "CSHFAD" E-Learnig platform used for the realization of the Company Manager course with FAD methodology created for CIPAAT of Ragusa and financed by the Sicily Region
Year 2013: design and implementation of the second E-Learnig platform based on the "Moodle" open office platform
Year 2016: design and implementation of the third E-Learnig platform based on the "Moodle" open office platform
Quality and Evaluation Sector.
November 95 - January 2000: Consultancy for the certification of company quality systems according to the UNI ISO 9000 family regulations. This activity was carried out in collaboration with the provincial CNA of Ragusa
Since July 2000 agreement with TECNASERVICE (Company of the CNA), with the task of quality service manager.
Since October 2000 Director of the Centro Studi Helios training and research center which carries out its activities in the sectors relating to training and consultancy in the fields of information technology, quality, safety, environment and co-financed planning. These activities are essentially aimed at companies and the Public Administration.
At present I have contributed to the certification of over 130 companies located in Sicily with particular reference to companies operating in the training and healthcare sector
From April 1996 to 2004 member of the promoting committee for the establishment of the Sicilian AICQ (Italian Association for Quality) for quality based in Palermo at the Curella foundation and which includes representatives of the Sicilian Confindustria, the Universities of Palermo and Catania , ITALTEL Sicilia, Telecom, Ferrovie dello Stato and the Curella Foundation itself.
From March 1997 to 2004 member of the promoting committee for the establishment of the national health sector of the AICQ based in Rome at AICQ / CI (AICQ Centro Insulare) The national health sector was formalized by the national AICQ in 1998.
An article of mine on Quality in the health sector was published in the weekly “IL WEEKLY: Sicily Entrepreneurial” (second week of December 1996).
Other articles relating to quality have been published by me in the magazine “PAGINE DAL SUD” published by the Rossitto Study Center in Ragusa.
From March 1997 to 2004 Member of the AICQ / CI core school based in Rome at AICQ / CI which has as its objective the dissemination and application of school service charters, the sensitization of the teaching staff to quality issues; the implementation of the Quality Systems in the School and in the training institutions.
On March 15, 1997 I participated as a speaker at the conference "Introduction to the Quality System for Healthcare Structures" organized by AICQ / ci and ARIS (Religious Association of Social and Health Institutes). My report was entitled "Regulatory framework and quality development in Healthcare".
The conference was held at the Sala dei Marmi of the Provincial Administration of Pescara
On 29 October 1997 I participated as a speaker at the "Transport and Quality" seminar organized by UNIONCAMERE E FEDERTRASPOSTO.
My report was entitled "Financing for Quality".
The seminar took place at the Auditorium of the Ragusa Chamber of Commerce.
On November 8, 1997, a seminar was held, which I organized, at the Auditorium of the Ragusa Chamber of Commerce, entitled: "QUALITY IN THE SECTOR OF CRAFTSMANS AND SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES" The seminar was organized in collaboration with the Provincial CNA of Ragusa and in collaboration with AICQ / CI, had as its objective the dissemination of the culture of quality in the sector of artisan enterprises and SMEs and was placed within the "European Quality Week". In this seminar I was also speaker of the following report: "Implementation of a Quality System in SMEs".
On 13 March 1999 I organized, in collaboration with the Ibleo Cultural Observatory and the Department of Studies of Ragusa, a conference and debate entitled “QUALITY IN THE SCHOOL” held at the “ETTORE MAJORANA” State Industrial Technical Institute. In this meeting I played the role of moderator and speaker.
On November 26, 2001 on the occasion of the European Week for Quality announced by DG III of the European Commission, in collaboration with the Department of Studies of Ragusa, the Centro Studi F. Rossitto of Ragusa, and AICQ (Italian Association for Quality) I organized the conference entitled: QUALITY IN THE SCHOOL OF AUTONOMY held at the Auditorium of the “S. Quasimodo ”of Ragusa. In this meeting I played the role of moderator and speaker.
Participation as speaker at the Conference of 22/06/2001 in Catania at the Palace of Justice organized by the Catania Bar Association on the topic "The quality of professional studies".
From 1997 to 2015 I worked as a certification inspector according to the UNI EN ISO9001 standard, I carried out this activity as an external evaluator on behalf of international organizations such as BVQI, Cermet and Certiquality, From 1997 to 2015 there are about 800 inspections carried out. These checks were carried out in the sectors with the following codes: 19, 28, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39.
2015: Elaboration of the document "Tourism Quality and Development" in the document a new model is proposed for the measurement of quality in the tourism sector and guidelines for a Tourism Quality Plan (PQT)
Evaluation activities of POR projects
evaluation relating to the "BIT" project Code 199.IT.16.1.PO.011 / 3.06 / 9.2.5 / 0071 Measure 3.06 (on behalf of the E-Majorana Institute of Mazzarrone)
evaluation related to the AMICO COMPUTER project Code 199.IT.16.1.PO.011 / 3.06 / 9.2.5 / 0078 Measure 3.06 (on behalf of the E. Fermi Institute of LicodiA Eubea)
evaluation relating to the POR SICILIA project “FAMILY TERRITORY SCHOOL TO COLLABORATE TO INTEGRATE” Measure 3.06 (on behalf of the State Didactic Direction 1 ° Circolo di Comiso).
Public Administration Area.
In addition to having been an employee of the Public Administration from 11/05/1976 to 31/08/1982 as a non-commissioned officer in the Navy and having worked in some IT contracts relating to the management of some sectors of the PA, the following experiences are to be considered:
Period 1995-1996. Technical reports for the USL n ° 7 of Ragusa and the Ragusa hospital.
Period 1995-1998. Responsible for the design of the SIOI (Integrated Hospital Information System) of the Ragusa Hospital. This activity involved an in-depth study of both the administrative and the healthcare services provided and involved the improvement of the Information System of the Hospital on which the IT System was then designed and the identification of the necessary management / scientific programs. the management of the health facility and the provision of health services. On the basis of the studies carried out, I subsequently had the task, by the health administration, of preparing some tender specifications relating to the computerization of the Ragusa Hospital, also taking care of the related final testing for some of them.
1997 Member of the Board of Directors of the Institute for Assistance to the Elderly Opera Pia "Iblea Hospitality House". The assignment was given to me by the Sicilian Region on the recommendation of the Municipality of Ragusa as the institute is managed by the PA
From July 2000 to July 2004 member of the evaluation nucleus of the provincial IACP of Ragusa (Autonomous Institute of Popular Homes) of the province of Ragusa. In this role, with the qualification of external evaluator, I have the task of evaluating the achievement of the qualitative and managerial objectives of the institution's management. This activity is foreseen by the current legislation concerning the management of state bodies where the evaluation of the activities of the executive body is entrusted to external professionals.
From July 2002 to 2006 consultant for the local AUSL of Ragusa for the problems concerning the accreditation and certification of health facilities.
Education and training |
• Dates (from - to) |
• Name and type of education or training institution |
Training / Refresher Day for CERTIQUALITY assessors held in Milan in relation to the ISO9000: 2008 standards
• Dates (from - to) |
17 / 01 / 2007.
• Name and type of education or training institution |
Training / Refresher Day for CERTIQUALITY assessors held in Naples in relation to the ISO9000: 2000 standards |
• Dates (from - to) |
June 2000 |
• Name and type of education or training institution |
. Refresher Course for BVQI Auditors held in Pomezia relating to the ISO9001: 2000 standard
2/10/2000 Training / Refresher Day for Cermet assessors held in Bologna in relation to the ISO9000: 2000 standards.
• Dates (from - to) |
January of 1996 |
• Name and type of education or training institution |
• Main subjects / professional skills covered by the study |
40-hour course for Quality System assessor Passing the exam for "Quality Systems Evaluators" recognized by the certification body of the evaluating staff AICQ / SICEV and carried out at the "Villa Tuscolana Congress Center" in Frascati. |
• Qualification awarded |
Quality System Evaluator |
• Level in national classification (if appropriate) |
• Dates (from - to) |
June of 1995 |
• Name and type of education or training institution |
Bologna at the headquarters of DATAMAT SpA |
• Main subjects / professional skills covered by the study |
Management course on Business Object, database analysis and query tool. |
• Dates (from - to) |
1993-1995 |
• Name and type of education or training institution |
University of Pisa |
• Main subjects / professional skills covered by the study |
Two-year attendance (1993-1995) at the Degree course in Conservation of Cultural Heritage of the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy of the University of Pisa, with specialization in the conservation of archival and book heritage. |
• Dates (from - to) |
March 1993 |
• Name and type of education or training institution |
Rome at the headquarters of ORACLE ITALIA SpA |
• Main subjects / professional skills covered by the study |
Advanced and refresher course on DBs. Relational DB Administrator. |
• Dates (from - to) |
April 1992 |
• Name and type of education or training institution |
Florence at the headquarters of DATAMAT SpA
• Main subjects / professional skills covered by the study |
Training course on Relational DataBase ORACLE, and DB Administrator. |
• Dates (from - to) |
April 1992 |
• Name and type of education or training institution |
Florence at the headquarters of DATAMAT SpA |
• Main subjects / professional skills covered by the study |
Training course on Relational DataBase ORACLE, and DB Administrator. |
• Dates (from - to) |
1990 |
• Name and type of education or training institution |
University of Pisa
• Main subjects / professional skills covered by the study |
Thesis on “Evolution of the schema in the systems for the management of object-oriented databases“.
• Qualification awarded |
Degree in Information Sciences |
• Level in national classification (if appropriate) |
• Dates (from - to) |
1981 |
• Name and type of education or training institution |
Italian Navy |
• Main subjects / professional skills covered by the study |
central chief course "Management of a firing center". Course followed at the AERONAVAL TRAINING CENTER OF THE MILITARY NAVY. |
• Qualification awarded |
Central Head |
• Level in national classification (if appropriate) |
• Dates (from - to) |
1979 |
• Name and type of education or training institution |
GALILEO FERRARIS Professional Institute of Ragusa. |
• Main subjects / professional skills covered by the study |
• Qualification awarded |
Professional Diploma for "Technician of the electrical and electronic industries"
Personal skills and competences Acquired in the course of life and career but not necessarily recognized by official certificates and diplomas. |
Mother tongue |
Italian |
Other language |
German |
• Reading ability |
Discreet |
• Writing skills |
Enough |
• Oral expression skills |
Discreet |
Relational skills and competences Living and working with other people, in a multicultural environment, occupying places where communication is important and in situations where teamwork is essential (e.g. culture and sport), etc. |
Organizational skills Eg. coordination and administration of people, projects, budgets; in the workplace, in voluntary work (e.g. culture and sport), at home, etc. |
Direct skills deriving from work in the following sectors: HEAD OF CENTRAL IN THE ITALIAN NAVY WITH RESPONSIBILITY OF THE STAFF IN THE FIELD CENTRAL COMPANY DIRECTOR OF THE HELIOS STUDY CENTER SINCE 2000 Organizer of 2 editions of the Sicily Heritage Award |
Technical skills and competences With computers, specific kinds of equipment, machinery, etc. |
Technical skills deriving from the IT profession with THIRTY YEARS of experience |
Artistic skills Music, writing, drawing etc. |
Organizer of cultural events (see what has been said about the Ragusani Prize, the World and other cultural initiatives) Author of over 30.000 images of Sicily, of which over 5.000 are visible on the site . Some of my photos have been published in magazines or used for the promotion of the territory and the production of multimedia productions. |
Other skills and competences Skills not previously indicated. |
Expert in the multimedia and cultural heritage sector. deriving from a passion that has led me for over 20 years to study and tell the Sicilian cultural heritage. |
Driving LICENCE |
B |
Further information |
I authorize the processing of personal data pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003
Ragusa 01/04/2018