Page of the Heritage Audible Archive – Sicily – Province of Ragusa – Ragusa

All web pages have an audio associated with a cultural asset. Each page can be reached by a QR-Code associated with it. 

reference page: Province of Ragusa

Anyone can use these QR-Codes and apply them, in compliance with current legislation and in agreement with the competent authorities, near or inside the assets constituting the tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage. This activity can be carried out within the "Heritage Accessible" project or within its own autonomous projects that each institution, public or private body, association or private individual can activate.

Ragusa Cathedral (Lions Club Ragusa Host)

1) Chapel of St. John the Baptist

2) Chapel of San Giuseppe

3)  Chapel of San Filippo Neri

4) Chapel of Maria SS. Sorrows

5) Chapel of Christ at the Column

6) Chapel of SS. Crucified

7) Chapel of the Beheading of St. John

8) Apse and High Altar

9) Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament

10) Altar of the Nativity

11) Pipe Organ

12) Chapel of the Immaculate Conception

13) Chapel of San Gregorio Magno

14) Chapel of Sant'Isidoro Agricola

15) Chapel of the Baptistery


St. George


1) 11864 - Dario Querci - The rest during the flight into Egypt

2) 1767 - Vito D'Anna - The Immaculate Conception

3) 1770-80 – attributed to Tommaso Pollace from Palermo – Saint Basil the Great invoking Mary

4) 1774 - Ludovico Svirech - San Vito and the Saints Modesto and Crescenzio

5) 1866 - Dario Querci - Saint George and the Dragon

6) 1782 -. Antonio Manno- Christ appears to Santa Gaudenzia

7) 1763 - Vito D'Anna - The Guardian Angel

8) Second half of the century XVIII - Unknown author - Ecstasy of Santa Maria Maddalena dei Pazzi

9) 1787 - Giuseppe Tresca - The Glory of St. George




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